TA UberHack v3.1.6 released!
Posted by
Silencer, 04-12-2002
Yep, BSR is back, and the best way to check
it is to
visit his site, on where you'll see the link to download the new
version of the excellent TA mod. Also I've updated the link to BSR's
R&D given his recent server move. You have all the needed info
on there to
easily install the mod. I recall you that the UH
mod pack goes with a switcher which allows you to reestablish your
previous OTA configuration with just a click.
Said that.. download the latest version of the mod and enjoy;
because it is a must have guys. Btw, I post on here a couple of new BPs that I
made yesterday. As always, stay tuned:
The first Zhon map for Total Annihilation!
Posted by
Silencer, 04-07-2002
Have a look around...: TA2's development
almost officially
confirmed, Dungeon Siege already
available!, TAMEC's
guys working on a TAMEC v2 site and much more... aahh, I feel good!..
at least until Monday at 06:00am heheh.. .)
Ok, Cayambe is already
downloadable. Also you need to download the TAK_ANIMS_1.ufo
features file, do not forget to download it too given that it is
needed to play the map. Comments about TA-Power's
latest release are welcome on
our forum.
Wotan's notes: Long
overdue, but worth the wait! (if you ask me anyway). This map utilizes
the latest converted TAK tileset for TA – Zhon, which will be part
of an upcoming release as well. It also uses all new TAK based
features which are far superior to previous iterations – you’ll
need the TAK_ANIMS file available separately in order to play this
map. The end result leaves an ‘as close to TAK quality’ graphical
experience as you’ll get in TA. Be sure to check out the optional FX
sound pack included as well ,)
Click on the mini-map to download this awesome and, at the
same time, wonderful map made by Wotan.
As you probably already know, you've to place both of the files into
your TOTALA folder. Have
fun guys!
Problems... and solutions
Posted by
Silencer, 04-06-2002
As many of you already know,
has temporarily closed their Uploads
Area. So the promised releases can not be posted yet. Moreover
I've had some few hardware problems and that's why I didn't post on
Friday informing about this matter. Anyways, we are solving these
problems being this way a matter of time only. Stay tuned.
Update from the ZHON Sector...
Posted by
Wotan &
Silencer, 04-03-2002
What follows are depictions of crucial battle fought on a newly discovered
Zhon world known as Cayambe. Core Sector Commander,
Mekhor 1215, authorized the use of previously unavailable technologies as well as
significantly upgraded units in order to ensure the successful consolidation of
Cayambe. Once a final analysis of this campaign is completed by
New Central Consciousness, permission will be granted to local Commanders to enter the
Zhon Sector and begin the invasion of new worlds. No word is available on new unit technologies and upgrades at this time, however...
The first Zhon map (pictures
posted above have been taked on it) made by Wotan
will be released on Friday here at TA-Power!.
Need we say anything else? ;)
Map's Festival goes on!!... plus a metal bonus
Posted by
, 03-22-2002
reviewers have already evaluated both of the maps released at here a
week ago. And both of them draw a gold line on the high quality TA
maps designs. Let me to update&refresh your minds, being these patterned
by Core or
cloned by Arm; it does not care much =)
As you see, we do not stop of throwing fuel to this
awesome game that even shines intensely in 2002!.
Okay, the bonus is an unit. I've called it the Core
Judge. The unit is still at its beta 2 stage, it starts to draw
its own niche but it lacks the quality I planned for it yet. However,
fully playable, packed in OTA flavour only, being one of the biggest
level 2 Core K-bot candidates and as dangerous as an
alien in the toilette... heheh ... The Judge
has arrived!
I'd like to know your thoughts about the Judge, so use the
forums to polish it, or simply to share your gameplay experience.
Okay? ;)
By the way, I should post links to GBL and Phoenix... don't you
No oxygen, no fire... no mapmakers , no maps
Posted by
Bardi &
Silencer , 03-08-2002
Bardi is not gone buddies,
and this is what he has to say you all:
Rushing you said? this map would be suitable for that. the Switeck's metal
AI (thanks Switeck) in OTA mode will send you constantly groups of level 1 and
level 2 units. I don't recommend building only base defenses. if any Merl appears
(and they WILL appear) you will need some mobile defense forces to destroy them
ASAP, or you will see a lot of sentinel and guardians corpses over the
map. Here you won't be able to use BB and nukes properly (BB shells and nukes will
be stopped due to the big spires all over the map)
The map was designed and created in C_A_P's
Oxygen tileset, but there are allover the map Urban world buildings
which can provide resources, but that's not very wise, it is a metal
map, its main purpose is to obstaculize areas so units and weapons' fire won't be able to
pass trough them. The map size is 12 x 10 and the filesize is an extremely light 180
By the way, I'm not planning to leave TA community again. I back and
probably be making some more maps and other stuff. Enjoy! ;)
El Bardiales
A 180 Kbytes download only?.. hmm, no minimap then, just
download it and check your self how cool the map is in the game =)
As you see, TA still acts as powerful talented designers'
magnet. Stay tuned to get more proofs.
Just cleaning the site...
Incoming bones =)
Posted by
Silencer , 02-26-2002
The 1 mile News page long has been shortened and archived.
If you think that you've missed anything about us then check the Archive
Section to see what's happened over here.
The Official and frozen Cavedog
site link has been added to the logo shown on the NavBar and in the
Essentials drop-down list, as well as the link of the Infogrames
Total Annihilation forum.
The Units
Section is up to date. I'm waiting for TAMEC
reviews to update the
This is a sample of the bones we've already prepared for
Succulent, eh? ;)
Coming soon...
Posted by
Silencer , 02-18-2002
Just experimenting to improve some few things... Stay
tuned ;)
Not TA related news this time... but cool ones!
Posted by
, 02-12-2002
I'm planning to open a new site devoted to Aliens
versus Predator II. Yes, that means AvP
mods in brief =)
If you are interested at to be part of the project then you may
send me your profile, including a couple of screen shots of your work
(in JPG format only). Also, only compressed files (using Winzip or
WinRar) will be accepted.
Click here to send your aplication.
Obviously this does not mean that Ta-Power will
not stay here or that we are not going to produce more TA cool
stuff... So fans.. do
not worry ;)
Probably you're one of those who likes Max
Payne single player games (I'm one of these =). Then you should
visit this
site. Its author, Kenneth Yeung has
made an unbelievable Kung-Fu mod for Max Payne!.
A must see and it is pretty stable so visit his site and check it out
Oh c'mon!.. Okay TA related news heheh...: Visit
this link to read the latest interview made to Chris
Taylor. I think these are one of the best unconfirmed news that
I've heard lately (I remind you that these are unconfirmed yet).
However, let me quote this interview's piece: But
the truth is yes, we're very excited and we'll likely start an RTS
project later this year.
That's all for now.. but stay tuned and behave ;)
New TA-Power member!
Posted by
mufdvr &
, 02-09-2002
I'm proud to announce an experienced and well known
mapmaker as TA-Power member. He's also
well known as TAMEC's
maps reviewer and as the author of a popular TA utility... Enough said. Welcome aboard mufdvr!
He has made a new interesting map for you all and this is what
he wants to say about this matter:
This map was made for multiplayer East V West, and as a result will not give up much of a battle in skirmish, unless you have a four player game with yourself and the three AI`s all starting in the
middle... Also this map shows off the new Windy trees for lusch and greenworld, the necessary files can be downloaded from the utilities page at TAMEC, URL`s to these files are listed
Copy the two "windy trees" files to your \totala directory and do the same with the updated REV31.gp3 only BACK UP the original first.
Once you have these files in place the trees will all be animated. Credit and thanks for the "Windy Trees" goes to
C_A_P and Merciless Creations and Geisthund222 for the updated REV31.gp3 which makes the windy "Lush World" trees work correctly.
So here you got
it; click on the links to download the necessary files and enjoy
playing great battles on the newest battlefield: Face
The first Massive Long Range Plasma Canon for TA...
Posted by
Silencer , 02-05-2002
Well, here is the final revision of the Core
Dictator. As you
see, I do like to post on random days too ;)
No ÜberHack
version is available or needed this time. Its build picture has been updated, as
well as its weapon and unit stats tweaked. To those who have not seen
the unit yet I could advance you that is a brutal unit, just launch
the game and have a
look at the script/animation that I made... Enjoy! ;)
Intelligence report...
Posted by
ChinaHook , 02-03-2002
Core Intelligence has reported that an Arm contingent
force is making military maneuvers in the 2013:4350
quadrant around the Thalassen sector,
Beyond Larab Harbour. The spy satellite
has been oriented to this area and has taken these images, confirming
these troops movement. It seems that winds of war are coming again.
Are you ready for the combat, commander?!.
These images have been taken from Beyond Larab Harbour map, which we are actually developing
here at TA-Power. We hope to release it soon. The map, as you can see, will include new tiles for
Archipielago world and a big variety of combined
improved TA:K features. We are working on fixing these features to allow reclaiming, destroying and burning
That's all for now. Have fun, behave and, of course, stay
tuned! ;).