New releases incoming...
Posted by
Silencer, 03-21-2003
I'll be brief today. This
is the Arm Anti-air Flak Kbot
we're about to release here at TA-Power.
I do feel impressed when I have a look at our Ta-Power
Lab. There's much cool TA stuff to release yet!.
That's all for now; have a nice
weekend guys.
DeReMetallica reviewed by TAMEC
Posted by
Silencer, 03-10-2003
This map made by ChinaHook,
which has been rated by TAMEC with
an overall of 9 again, brings to you
another high quality ground for your TA
massive battles.
review is available again for further information about this TA-Power map.
Also you may read our 11-22-2002
news on this page.
It has been downloaded 450 times already; thus just check it out!.
Finally, I've improved a little the Site
Welcome page as well as added some few tips more on the Game
Tips section. By the way.. units incoming; so stay tuned ;)
Five Miles Out reviewed by TAMEC
Posted by
Silencer, 02-20-2003
With an overall of 9,
this map made by ChinaHook brings to you
another high quality battlefield for your extreme TA
experience. Based on Green
World Completion Project tiles and mixed with metal splinters,
provides great skirmishes against the AI, as well as many intense
online battles on its own non-symmetrical scheme.
You may read TAMEC's
review to know more about this TA-Power map,
and to click on here
to check all this info your self ;)
Oh yes, a couple of satellite' snapshots
can be seen here and
I recall to place the TA-Power_Fixed_anims2.hpi
(which is is
supplied with the map..) into your root TA folder. That's all. Have
fun and.. stay tuned.
New Zhon map!
Posted by
Wotan /
Silencer, 02-09-2003
Afterward the recent intense
eye-candy session, we post In the Tropics
for your all pleasure.
Based on the wonderful works of Frederic
Edwin Church, though this title is one of his less familiar works. Church was most famous for his renderings of the South American tropics in the late 1850's through the 1860's. If you are interested in learning more, check out the web - there are several dedicated sites to Church's works.
This 15x15 screens map made by Wotan shows
you even more of the excellent art work Cavedog
artists did in TA:K:
CORE forces have launched a massive attack on Zhon!
Large movements of units have moved south 'In the
Tropics’ in attempt to outflank the forces of ARM currently holding the savannahs of
This new Zhon sector, however, will present a significant challenge
to commanders. Vast swamps and hillsides hug the balmy coastlines and will make maneuvers very difficult. Nevertheless, the second chapter of
the Zhon campaign has begun.
In the tropics requires the previously released TAK_ANIMS_1.ufo
file available at TAMEC. If you have already downloaded and played ‘Cayambe’ then you need not download any additional files. Good luck
A must have download (10
MB) for your own Total Annihilation maps
collection. Read the instructions in the map readme
file to add some jungle background noise to the map. Said
all that.. Have fun!.
Polishing the site...
Posted by
Silencer, 01-18-2003
The Tile-sets,
Unit Packs and Mods
sections have been updated. Have a nice weekend guys.
New TA-Power member
Zhon & Aramon exclusive previews
Posted by
Wotan &
Silencer, 01-11-2003
I'm glad to announce the newest TA-Power
member: This time the man is Benito, who
will help in the Map Making and Rendering departments as well as he'll
contribute at programming useful code for TA.
Also, Benito has been researching &
consolidating a whole set of techniques to render stunning maps using POV-Ray.
For the moment, we'd like to show you all a piece of art he made for TA-Power:
As you see (look at the links above), this Spider
Pack themed background can be downloaded in many screen
resolutions. Soon, I'll post more info about Benito's
work for your all enjoyment. Said all that, be
welcome aboard Commander!.
To complete our massive eye-candy session today, I post here on
the latest info about Wotan's exciting
The battle for Zhon
Leaving the savannahs of Cayambe,
ARM and CORE forces have continued their fierce struggle for dominion
of the luscious world of Zhon. The latest
map In the Tropics, soon to be released
here at TA-Power, will include new jungle
terrains and the echoes of a lost civilization. You’ll also find a
little more elbow room as this new battleground is twice the size of Cayambe!
But, wait! There’s more!
On the heels of the incoming Zhon
map, yet another new world awaits! CORE spies have obtained these
shots from an Arcadian world know only as Aramon.
Stay tuned…
Welcome to the year 2003!
Posted by
Silencer, 01-05-2003
I hope that you all have had a very happy Xmas and New Year.
We're preparing our 2K3 releases so get ready.. ;)
TA ÜberHack v4.0 available for the download!
What's going on?...
Posted by
Silencer, 12-15-2002 / 12/16/2002
Yep, the long awaited ÜberHack 4.0
version has been released by BSR. This
new version includes major improvements as a revamped switcher, new
unit tweaks, new AI profiles, eXtended Menus, a new finite metal
game-play mode, as well as the latest Spider
Pack for ÜH in this new official version.
Hey, do not miss this one and run to download it at BSR's
& RD. Even you may download 3 different flavors of the, in our
opinion, best TA mod: Switcher
install, zipped mod files, and TA:M
format. If you have got the Original TA
game installed on your computer only, then you should download the
Switcher version, yes?. Here is the link
to the UH forums to post any questions or comments you want.
What's going on here at TA-Power...:
Basically real life has been consuming our little spare time during
these last weeks. However we've got many stuff to show the world yet.
For example a new version of the EU Pack,
new unique maps and Tile-sets, The Core
Expansion Scorpion Pack, as well as a <secret>, or
even a new <secret>... ;)
During this last year most of our staff has vanished given
different reasons. However the few TA-Power members who remain here
will have you pretty busy yet; so stay tuned and have fun!.
Extra-hint: Just to recall you
that, if you previously had an ÜH Spider Pack copy
installed on your system, then delete it before to install the ÜberHack
v4.0. If you do not this then you could have 2 copies of the Spider
Pack present in your root TA folder. Otherwise, If you've never
played the Spider Pack and/or ÜberHack
then .. what are you waiting for !!? =)
New TA battlefield for you all
Posted by
ChinaHook, 11-22-2002
This map was initially made to be played in skirmish or online
FFA battles. Try it with 4 teams of 2 players or 2 teams of 4
players. Extract your metal on the metal zones but I recall you that
green zones are empty of metal; so do not build metal extractors on
grass. The amount of resources is huge, it means that the first AI
attack wave will come to you in less than 10 minutes.
This is the second map made with the new Green
Completion tiles, but this time I used our own
conversion of Cavedog's Metal tiles. We'll
post about these new Tile-sets I made soon. Enjoy!.
Expansion Spider Pack 2K2 ready for the download!
Posted by
Silencer, 11-01-2002
As I promised, here it is the new
version for the Original TA. I call this
version as SP-2K2-OTA, given that my next
TA project (yes, the Scorpion
Pack and probably the last I make for this game..) could cause
the SP to be modified again.
I've put a lot of effort in this version. So this is the list
of tweaks, changes, and new stuff added in the Arm
Expansion Spider Pack 2K2:
- Almost every unit in the
pack has been tweaked to fit better in the OTA
- Nexus:
New unit; All-terrain Transport Kbot.
- Namor:
New unit; All-terrain Amphibious Assault Kbot.
- Included an improved
Spider v2 in the Spider Lab. Smaller model, moves
faster. Basically is the
ÜH Spider
which includes some few tweaks following the lines of
balancing style.
- Revised both Flakker and Minelayer Spiders.
- Wolf:
Its long range paralyzer beam has been colored. The Wolf remains stealth rater
than cloakable as its 'cousin', the Sniper.
- Recluse:
Model shrunk. Increased
speed. Increased armor. Increased sight distance. Rocko
type modified weapon.
- Spider
Bunker: It can be built on
slopes and on other hard to reach places. (2 x 2 footprint, same as the
Heavy Laser Turret). Now it can cloak. Added new sounds.
- Construction
Kbot & A-t Kbot: Updated build menu
buttons with the new BPs I made. Fixed minor GAF bug.
- Tick:
Its heavy paralyzer beam has been colored to fit better in
the OTA. Remember to set it to
hold fire before go to capture enemy units. Tick's
weapon reload time is 45 seconds/game ticks!
- New SPID1 movement class added.
Added new Sound Classes for the Nexus, Namor
and Spider
(This makes a total of 17 new sounds)
Bomb: Rebalanced
weapon and unit costs. Model enlarged. New movement
- General footprint tweaks
to improve their pathfinding in the game. Improved
Build Pictures.
- Fleas!.
These can be built in the Spider Lab now. Added by
public demand.
Look in the readmefirst.txt file for detailed info about
how to install the
OTA Spider Pack.
The Arm Scarab and the Arm
Flea extra Cavedog units are included in the
zip file as separate files. If you do not have all of the extra Cavedog
units then visit
this page to download all of them.
Remember that you need TA's expansion, TA
Core Continency as well as the official TA
patch 3.1c installed on your computer to play the SP.
Also you can remove any older Spider Pack stuff as any pictures
into the Totala/Unitpics folder,
Read the installation steps into the provided ReadMeFirst.txt.
Installation steps are quite simple, so do not worry.
here to download the Spider Pack 2K2 for OTA.
Visit this
page for further info about this expansion pack. Enjoy!!