TA-POWER reviewed by Estrella
A real X-File?...
Posted by
Silencer , 01-24-2002
Estrella, the webmaster of
the well known www.tadesigners.com
TA site has posted an interesting review about us. Their site is one
of the oldest Sites of the TA community and condenses a huge amount of
TA stuff, from units and maps to TA Races. Also they got a great
quantity of quality maps and even TA tutorials. A must have in your TA
On the other hand, I want to share what I call a real X file
guys... See the picture below:
This picture has been drawn by Quico
Palomar a known artist here at Catalonia. He has never seen TA
at any format, and even less the box of Core Contingency. Well, I
suggested him to draw a picture for me and... he made the one posted
above. Wow! .. Telepathy?... Is an X File or not ?
Stay tuned ;)
About TA-POWER's Unit Packs...
Posted by
Silencer , 01-18-2002
There is people sending me e-mail asking about the Arm
Expansion Spider Units Pack or about the Emergency
Units Pack. Both of them are available for the download on the TAP
EP Section (see the button on the NavBar?).
here if you do not see the button. Or click on the Essential
Links Box from above.
UberHack v3.1.5 patch file is available for the download
Posted by
Silencer , 01-15-2002
Brave Sir Robin, TA ÜberHack's
author, posted a couple of days ago on the annihilated.com
His post contained instructions to install a downloadable
winzip file which balances both of the heavy tanks ( the Bulldog
and the Goliath cost more energy and
build time now on.. ) and also the Arm Centurion
(which has a weapon range increase, from 600 to 900 IIRC).
Unfortunatelly, the UH forum is being
updated so it is not available for the public at this moment. So I
post a link to download the file as well as brief instructions to
install it on your computer:
The file contains 3 new TDF files and 1 new UFO file. You must create
a new DOWNLOADS folder into your TOTALA folder, that is TOTALA\DOWNLOADS.
Place there in these 3 TDF files. Then place the ufo file into your
TOTALA folder. and that's all, your UH version is already updated.
Call me Mr. Evident if you want, but I'll do not answer any e-mail
asking about the installation process, you know? .. heheh ;). The link
to download the winzip file is
A must have for your online UH games.
Have fun!
Empyrrean Messas gets a 9 9 9
Posted by
Silencer , 01-13-2002
has blessed another of the maps made by
I post the links to download the map ( if you have not downloaded it
yet ) and to read
TAMEC's map review.
... also I've fixed both TAMEC
and Estrella's links on the
navigation bar as well as added the link to the Infogrames
TA support page into the Essentials Box. Happy new year 2002!.. a bit late I know .. heheh..
and stay tuned.
New map!
Posted by
Silencer , 01-09-2002
ChinaHook has been working on
another map for your all pleasure. This is what he said about this
A river crosses the map from left to right. There are some
shallow zones produced for the seasonal swellings of the river. In the
middle, there's an island sourronded by the river with some
geothermals, metal patches and metal-trees. This island could be a
very strategical and critical position. Try to control this land masse
as soon as posible. The control of this island can be the gate to the
final victory. Some hills and heights are disseminated around the map.
Use them to set your strategy. Hover units could be a good choice, but
not the only one. In fact, the system will attack to you with
heterogeneous unit combos (hover+air+ground+amph units). well!, I
don't wanna spend your time. So, try it!!. If you liked 'Great
Divide', you will like River Divide...,
I'm sure!!.
...and free nanolathed CocaCola in the middle =). By the way, I
have added the TA Source Code Petition code
under both of our site administrator nicks/e-mails. We support the
petition, of course, and listen; we have got a bunch of cool ideas for
that possible v3.1d TA patch (just click on the button an write a line
of support to the petition on the forum). Said that .. Have fun and behave
EU Pack revision, (important for online UH games)
Posted by
Silencer , 12-30-2002
I've removed both of the fake radar dots, given that they were ramdomly
crashing the game. I'm studying the cause tho, but no one knows why at the moment. Cracker's weapon has been toned down from 700 to 600 damage points.
Basically, these're all the changes in this revision. Have fun and enjoy estable online games ! ;)
to download
the EU PACK v2b for UH
Some of TA Art
Posted by
Silencer , 12-23-2002
Given the recent release of the KrogTaar, here it goes a
quick render which I made yesterday. This is more or less what you
should see in 3D when a KrogTaar locks its weaponary on you =)
Stay tuned; new TA projects incoming.
Green Lake: Reviewed and available for the download
Posted by
Silencer , 12-16-2002
New excellent battlefield designed by ChinaHook
is available again. I post on here a couple of links: One is to
download the map while you use the other link to read more about the
map during the download:
New OTA Core KrogTaar version available
Posted by
Silencer , 12-01-2002
About time, yes. This version goes with all of the cool
tweaks included in the ÜH
version. It is built in the Gantry and wait to see it in the game (if
you are one of these who have not seen the new version in action yet
Here 's the link
to download the new toy. Have fun!
TA-Power finally gets recognition from ÜberHack's author
Posted by
Silencer , 11-25-2002
This text has been extracted from BSR's
site; Links
TA-Power is the home of some very cool third-party units,
including the famous Spider Pack. They're by far the unit group most
supportive of the mod, posting UH-specific versions of their units.
And we're glad to hear that; and while we finish our incoming OTA
and ÜH releases I suggest you to stay tuned ;)
The way we choose...
Posted by
Silencer , 11-10-2002
We are still here, indeed; and working on many TA projects
covering all the areas of the game. These cool prjs will be released
soon. So do not worry about your metal cookies because the TA
addiction is still flowing in our blood as usual. Stay tuned ;)
Happy Halloween!. 'Feliç castanyada a tothom!' =)
Posted by
Silencer , 10-30-2002
Well, here is the first unit made for TA-Power,
the Arm Oppressor. This toy is the first
Arm Heavy Rocket Launcher made for TA. A great model by THUG
with a lot of changes in all of the other files. Yes, I'm talking
about the version 2, thus click on the BP to download the revised
No ÜberHack
version is available, just OTA this time. Enjoy! ;)
Fixing a good map
Posted by
ChinaHook , 10-29-2002
Some troubles have been detected in the AI of the older version of
Empyrrean Mesas. I have fixed these bugs and I have make some minor changes in the features of the map (change/remove/add features). I have also replaced some tiles in the map for new others. These tiles will be
available soon at
& TA-Power.
v1.2 is the latest version of the map. Remove the older version (v1.0) or overwrite it. Now, the map uses the
Evergreen.txt AI file.
That's all for now. Enjoy Empyrrean Mesas again
(and if you have not downloaded it yet... what are you waiting
for??... ;) and sorry for the inconveniences!!.
Emergency Units Pack version 2
Wow!... More than
a quarter of million visits!
Posted by
Silencer , 10-17-2002
This new compilation includes tweaked Arm and Core versions of
the Fake Radar Dot units, reaching a
total of 17 units in the pack. Also, being not glad with the Core
Cracker behavior, I've improved its weapon abandoning the
ballistic weapon style in order to improve its role in the
Visit the Units
Section for further info about these new additions.
I feel deceived and I'll tell you why... I'd like to have some
of feedback about this units pack but seems to be that no one takes
the little time to post some few comments or ideas on the TA-Power
forum. And if I tell you the truth, that does not motivate me much
after the hard work...
You may download the TA-Power
EUP for ÜH by clicking on here.
More stunning samples
of the incoming Zhon tileset for TA
Posted by
Wotan & Silencer , 10-05-2002
More exclusive screen shots for
you all. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures:
rivers, still laden with the rich soil of an eternal spring, spill
forth into azure seas. Here, sandy beaches reveal only the slightest
glimpses of the deep jungles and the lofty mountains beyond. Here
great escarpments guard entry from both land and sea and impassable
swamps shroud the ghosts of civilizations long gone
This is Zhon. The fourth
TAK tileset conversion to TA with well over 100 MB of tileset
data alone, this is the largest conversion project yet. In addition,
newly converted features will bring this rich world to life with new
trees, plants, and ancient ruins. Look for a demo map in the weeks to
come, followed by a two-part tileset release soon thereafter.
Note: We'd like to hear some
feedback from you about our recently released EUP
for UH. Visit our forum to post your thoughts by clicking on
the Essential Drop-down Links List, ok?
More stunning TA projects incoming.
We release the
Emergency Units Pack for ÜberHack
Posted by
Silencer , 09-28-2002
As I said: Massive TA-Power
Unit Revisions Plan.
This pack contains 15 improved units, which are
100% compatible with the latest ÜberHack
version 3.r1.b4. units included in the
Emergency Units Pack:
There're other units to be
included in, but I like to examine well their role and behavior in the
game before to do it. I do not want to write a book so check
the tweaks your self ;)
In the same way, I can advance you all that all UH
exclusive unit versions will be ported to OTA, as well as old OTA
versions will be revised.
Moreover, all the revised units included in this pack will be posted
separately on the Units Section as soon
as possible. Remember that the Arm Expansion
Spider Pack includes 14 unique units more, so you have a total of 29 units to increase your gameplay experience or to complete any
possible lack in your game strategies.
Said all that... Time to play; enjoy!!
More cool stuff,
Posted by
Silencer , 09-25-2002
First of all, download the OTA
RFMRPC units again. There's a stupid bug in the previous
released file which has caused some few game crashes around. Already
fixed, so click
on here to update your version. UH
versions do not need any fix.
More site improvements: See the new Essential
Links list control above?.
The Maps Section has been tweaked
again. From now it includes a total of 27
maps, yes I said 27... plus some minor tweaks here and there:
Evad River Mouth, made by ChinaHook,
has been blessed with a 9 overall score. Also I've included 3 stunning
maps made by joshcomm1; one of those is
his latest high quality creation, Attack Alley,
which has reached an overall of 9 too.
There are links to TAMEC
Detailed Reviews for all our posted maps.
To load these you have to click on any of metal blinking arrows placed
under each map name.
As last comment, I can advance you that we're going to enlarge
our Team very soon and with very talented
TA designers. Stay tuned and behave.
We show you samples
of the incoming Zhon tileset for TA
Posted by
Wotan & Silencer , 09-21-2002
Wotan has sent me
new info about the Zhon tileset which
he's is working on. The tileset is almost ready for the download and
the results are really awesome. Check it your self by clicking on the
following thumbnails.
On the heels of the recent Creon tileset
conversion, we head south into the lush tropics of Zhon.
An unexplored world, as of yet defiled by the ravages of the warring
machines that will no doubt make their way to even this new Eden, the
mysteries of the jungle await...
We'll post more wonderful screen shots for your all pleasure.
Stay tuned.
Improving TA-Power
Posted by
Silencer , 09-18-2002
All of the maps posted on the Maps
Section are available again. The 100% operative section
contains a total of 20 quality maps with high TAMEC
The Units Section has been updated
too. All the links point to latest versions, a couple of bugs have
been fixed and every unit made by TA-Power
has been added in.
The other sections have been more or less tweaked too. I
suggest you to stay tuned cause I'm going to post soon a serie
of screen shots. These pictures are stunning and they'll show how
awesome Zhon (one of the TA:K tilesets)
looks in TA. Indeed; the TA:K to TA Tilesets
Conversion Project strikes again and Wotan
is the man who has been working on this conversion.
That's all for now.
Life goes on
It is being time for some of plasma; isn't it ?
Posted by
Silencer , 09-15-2002
Rapid Fire Medium Range Plasma Cannons
are ready for the download.
About the Arm version, the Deterrer,
we'll tell you that it has been slightly re-balanced as well as its
model and textures tweaked.
The Core version, the Scatterer
is a whole new unit. Both units share the same weapon (to save weapon
ids) which uses a modified new sound and fires twice
faster as the standard TA MRPCs; most known as Mr. Punisher
and Mr. Guardian.
However their weapon
range is shortest than the mentioned standard units and they do not implement pop-up technology
as the
Ambusher or the Toaster.
Both units go into an UFO file and look very well in the
game. Heheh, how cool is to work hard on a couple
of new units and later to play them in your own TA games. Enough
said... a must have.
Attacks on the
World Trade Center and Pentagon
Posted by
Silencer , 09-12-2002
staff want to express our most sincere condolences to the victims and
victims family of the recent terrorist attacks, as well as to condemn
these horrible attacks which have caused thousands of people dead.
the same way, we hope the gilties of the massacre will be harshly
punished by so inhuman acts.
In order to express our solidarity with American people, we'll
cancel the releases that we had prepared for today.
Silencer and TA-Power' Staff