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Capture it or ... destroy it!
Posted by Silencer, 03-31-2000 /
- First of all, I think
you'll like this new TA-Power midi composed by me. Maybe I'll edit
some more TA-Power midi songs, they all inspired in Jeremy Soule
compositions and our by all
shared TA 2 dream ;)...
Now our newest release...
Click here
to download the Core Commando

- Some feedback ...:
Amphibious and inmune to paralizers? Nopers
Buildable by? Adv. K-Bot Lab, menu 5 -1
New weapons? yes, Commando cannon (OTA id 240)
Is TA-Power Elite Pack compatible? Yes
Is UberHack compatible? I'll make an UH
version too ;)
Enjoy guys!
By the way, TA-Power wants you: We
need some talented candidates
- 2 3D modelers
- 2 Graphic TA artists (they'll create Web art and unit
- 1 bilingual (spanish/english) who likes to write TA
So you already know it ;) You might be a TA-Power member!
Click here to send your comments, profiles, etc
Hey clones... The Arm Nike !
Posted by Silencer, 03-17-2000
First of all, I'd like to
announce that we've some more cool TA gifts for you all. So TA-Power will
be here for your all pleasure =)
...The Core heavy war
machine was punishing Arm forces one more time. Their fortified bases, well defended by
their newest heavy units were practically unassailable...
Arm summoned their best scientists in a secret base of the remote system of Glenhya...
...after moderate time, they had the heaviest combat unit of the whole Arm war history.
Its improved armor and its weaponary system makes it the ultimate Arm war mobile
Nike is willing for the battle!
Click here to
download the Arm Nike 
- Some Arm Nike stats ...:
BuildCostEnergy = 87.498;
BuildCostMetal = 20.878;
BuildTime = 291.645;
MaxDamage = 19.447;
- Some feedback ...:
Amphibious and inmune to paralizers? Heheh..
yes ;)
Best escort? Hmm... sWs Raptors?
Maverick/Shooter combos?
Buildable by? Adv. K-Bot Lab, menu 5 -1
New weapons? yes, 2 of 3... Ass_Lightning (id 248) and
Adv. mECh-Quad Guided Rockets (id 249) and (?=)
Is TA-Power Elite Pack compatible? Yes
Is UberHack compatible? Nopers, but I'll do
an UH ver. if fans want it
- So take your own deductions about
what this unit can do for you
Special thanks to Ninjato from sWs for supporting this unit project ;)
Have fun guys !
Click here to send your comments, etc
We're still here so stay tuned ;)
Posted by WarTek, 03-13-2000
noise...>...Rumors... some seemed to be true.... These said that dozens of Arm
scientists were being mobilized toward a secret base in the system of Glenhya...
Apparently, their orders were to design... ...damn, another Sun storm...<...Static
Revision of the Alien radar trick technology.
Warning: OTA Corrupted File FIX
Posted by WarTek, 02-26-2000 - 02-29-2000
As most of you already know,
these alien units are result of the incessant research on Juno
by scientists of both sides.
We're glad here at TA-Power to see how these units have shaked the TA Community, due their new strategies in the game.
What's new?... Now, they're amphibious and they got no Line Of Sight. These changes are
reasonable balancing both units pretty well.... Also these revised units are fully Elite Pack compatable.
The TA-Power Alien Radar
Click here to download both ( Core and Arm ) units into a file.
Or/And click here to download the UberHack versión.
Today's bonus is a new TA map made by VanTheMan...
Click on the minimap to download Tunguska
This TA-Power four corners map uses the newest c_a_p's tileset
Have fun!. Zap and later
- PS: Our week's hero... we'll don't forget ya bud
! :}
OTA Corrupted File FIX
Seems to be that the OTA (Original
TA) version was corrupted while the upload and crashes the game. It has been fixed so you
might click
here to re-download the file
Increasing the strategic power:
Alien Fake Radar Dots
Posted by WarTek, 02-17-2000 / 02-18-2000 / 02-19-2000
This idea was born from a
conversation between Immerman and Silencer. And the
project is already done by Silencer.
Click here to download both alien units into a file
Using these units, you can simulate fake bases or firebases, fake movements or attacks,
even fake building actions* due their auto-jammer* device. Also they provide a great LOS
Stats of the Core Phantom Ghost and the Arm Firefly:
- Level 2, they are buildable by the adv. K-Bot Lab
SightDistance = 365;
BuildCostEnergy = 350;
BuildCostMetal = 15;
BuildTime = 980;
MaxDamage = 20;
Zap and later
Map Festival goes on ....
Posted by WarTek, 02-12-2000
Click on the minimap to
download Vulcano now, which has been recently well rated ( 8 8 8 8 ) by TAMEC guys
Vulcano, another TA-Power map by Bardi
Quick news tips:
- Cavedog Entertainment has released another TA! map.
- We will release TA missions and
maps based on the newest c_a_p's tileset
- Cavedog's core Necro has some 'minor' bugs. Click on the picture to
download a fixed version
what a cool unit bro! ....
- To those nobodies whom hate the idea of TA2... I say **** you
Zap and later
There is no escape into the
Moon V3
Posted by WarTek, 02-09-2000
Since you cannot escape
playing cool TA maps, click on the minimap to download it now
The newest TA-Power map by VanTheMan
Good for some racing peewees
too. Zap and later
Bonus Arm Nova revision... Now it
Posted by Silencer, 02-06-2000
The weapon has been revised
and now it rocks. The E cost has been slightly increased (1K aprox.) and
it inflicts 550 damage per shot!. Now it fires each 1.6 secs
using 185 E per shot, so if you got good resources and some
of these toys then your enemy got a problem ..
Click to download the revised Arm Nova
-PS: Thanks to NJ_THUG and to Gray for their useful feedback
The Arm Nova released!
Posted by Silencer, 02-03-2000
The Nova is an old idea I had long time ago and after playtesting it extensively and working
hard to be innovative...
Here it is the Heavy Lightning Defensive Tower for Arm!.
Place it behind your standard defenses and enjoy killing Core stuff (sorry patterns.. it's
Arm time now =P ). Course, it is level 2 and buildable by all level 2 cons. units.
Click on the picture to DL the Arm Nova
It got less range as the heavy laser turret but it is more powerful. Remember that each
shoot takes 125 energy of you resources (HLT takes 75...). Pay your attention to the enemy
and to the minimap, not to the cool electric blue lightning beam which it fires .. ok? =P
- Nova' stats:
BuildCostEnergy = 15978;
BuildCostMetal = 889;
BuildTime = 9999;
MaxDamage = 1890;
Weapon damage = 380;
Weapon reload time = 1.2;
And one more time... have fun guys! ;)
Strategies and tips
about the Juno Project...
Posted by Silencer, 01-30-2000 / 02-02-2000
Well.. I'm receiving many E-mails
asking me about what they hurt, how to use 'em, etc...
So here I go...
They're alien radar, sonar and jammer killers. Firing their stockpilable energy pulses
from the same distance as a conventional nuke silo, they'll vaporize units and structures
which use those signal devices. Radar/sonar aircrafts or jammer ships will be decimated
too. The pulse area of effect is 2 screens aprox.
Strategies and tips :
- First of all, try to stockpile some Juno pulses... then ...
- Use 'em b4 to attack enemy firebases, or huge enemy porc bases.
- Heavy jammered stuff heading to your base?..
- Or you suspect about a hidden enemy base? .. launch some Juno pulses
on 'em ;)
- They also can destroy enemy spy planes flying around by launching an E pulse
- Arm Fibbers around? .. vaporize 'em! ;)
- Juno pulses cause moderate damage to carriers too, and little damage
to Targeting Facilities and Arm Annihilators(*)
- If you're playing as Arm vs. Core, you can build Annihilators. They'll get you a good
radar umbrella and Juno pulses do not kill Annihilators. If you play Core, look for the
enemy Annihilators first; Bomb 'em, 'cos he knows that Juno pulses
don't kill Annihilators...
-Antinukes will not fire against 'em. so they're not antinukes unloaders.
-If you're being attacked w/ Juno pulses, send your scout units inmediately, it is
a good way to get some valuable LOS and to see what's hapening around...
*-* Your human/AI enemy expanded very well and got almost all the map full of stuff. And
he's well jammered everywhere.. You've built your Targeting Facility and your 3 Berthas
are ready, but can't fire 'cos they don't see anything. Heavy lasers, plasma cannons,
defender forests... killing your units... hmm.. launch some Junos and enjoy llistening
your Berthas firing ... ;)
PS: Initially, the AI will not fire Juno
pulses on you. You can have lot of fun playing 'em online in multiplayer games. The next
version of MoonAI will attack you w/ Juno pulses
though, heheh...
If you got some comment or question about these units click
Said that ... Have fun!
Btw, our next unit is going alone ;)
War Report: Strange events on
...and the release of Juno Project!
Posted by Silencer, 01-24-2000 / 01-26-2000 / 01-29-2000
The battle for the control of the galaxy continued, the incessant battles between both
sides were already countless.
But the battle in the remote system of JUNO had been very special. When suddenly, dozens
of Arm and Core commanders were sent to Juno system. An exaggerated fight took place, and
millions of units were lost, almost draining the resources of the entire planetary system.
All the rumours pointed toward the existence of alien presence on Juno, but all the
information on the matter was classified Top Secret.
What happened on Juno?...
... A long time after the brief, but awesome battles, it became known that which had
really transpired...
The first Commanders to pass through the Galactic Gates to Juno were the victims of
attacks from unknown foes which destroyed all their tactical signal devices. Radars,
Jammers and Sonar units was being annihilated selectively.
More and more Commanders were arriving on Juno. They were all getting ready for the battle
against the supposed alien forces, without knowing about the other sides presence. Arm and
Core discovered that the attacks were being sent from alien automatic devices which fired
unknown energy pulses from great distances.
So independently they went about looking for the alien presence, but found nothing. Core
and Arm Commanders tracked and located some of the attacking alien structures
simultaneously, and began the search of the advanced alien technology...
Certain research patrols found more variety of alien structures but it was just a matter
of time only before the awesome battles in the Juno system began. Both armies wanted to
reach the alien technologies first, while both sides were being annihilated, draining the
planet resources and even destroying some of the valuable alien targets during the
Juno... a dead system now, one of the many decimated by the mad battles between Arm and
Core, decimated worlds forever...
The scientists began their research, assimilating the technology of the captured Juno
devices slowly. They took a lot of time in applying the advanced alien designs. And some
of them had already been transferred to some of the better commanders... of both sides...

Arm Juno |

Click above to download the Juno Project |

Core Juno |
Have fun! ;)
Click here to send your comments
Elite Pack bug fixed; the new
Core Dictator added
Posted by Silencer, 01-21-2000
My Conflict Crusher copy didn't
detect a weapon conflict between the TA-Power Sabot VTOLS and another unit weapon :\ . It has
been totally fixed. And I've added the Core Dictator too.
Click on the picture to DL the Elite Pack.
Know what?... The final Core Dictator
version is ready to download ;)
Posted by Silencer, 01-17-2000m
Today is my B day, and I want to bring to the TA scene the old
Core Dictator project, which has been in Beta stage for a
looong time.
The Dictator is the most awesome Long Range Plasma Cannon made
for TA. Here it is a short story...
KarGlaan, one of the most aggressive Core
Commanders, dictated the order to design a new awesome long range plasma weapon...
Today, the same engineers who designed the Krogoth, have tested the new prototype on a
real battle. The scary cannon, with the help of elite air forces, has totally annihilated
the last ARM resistance in the 5th planet of Kloogh's system...
Click on the picture
to DL this new unit
Btw, it takes 5500 of Energy
per shot, with a high weapon reload time.
Said that....Have fun!