The ÜberHack TA mod: Most known as
ÜH, is by far the best TA mod around IMO. It fixes lots of original bugs, adding
very interesting variations to the original
units in order to give an unique role to each of the units in the
Also it includes a 3rd party High Quality units pack (currently
around 40 new units in!) to extend the game-play and strategies of TA.
I recommend you to move all your
other 3rd
party stuff to another folder before to run the TA mod. However
TA-Power collaborates in the project as well as releases
units (and unit packs as the Spider
Pack, which is already included in the official ÜH
version 4.x, EUP,
and soon the Scorpion Pack..) which are fully ÜberHack compatible.
The ÜH TA mod goes with an installer and even with an easy-to-use switcher program which allows you to switch
between OTA (Original TA) and Überhack in no time (by just a mouse click). The
switcher even allows you to alternate between AI profiles and other TA
mods. Very useful, yes?.. and not only to players but to TA mod
designers too.
I highly recommend you to read the info posted on
BSR' site to get an idea of the huge amount of new
features and tweaks that the mod includes. Also you may visit the TAU ÜH
forums to be current about the evolution of the ÜberHack TA mod.
Phoenix Worxs, an excellent online multiplayer TA client,
serves a devote ÜberHack room to meet other ÜberHackers
around. As you see,
there's a new whole TA world in front of you, so cross the Galactic
Gate line and be welcome to the party!! ;)
For further info click on any of the links below 
(ÜH's home)
Worxs (online service)
ÜberHack Forums
Force: Star Wars in TA you say?...

Yep, Star Wars: Rebels
against Imperial forces
fighting for ever in TA!
This Total Conversion (from now TC) is nearly complete and many unit makers of the TA community are helping at this
very promising project. Also new maps, missions and new tile-sets will be included as part
of the TC, as well as a new game front-end. As you see a huge project coming
along. Creators of the TC uses to release it in re-versioned packs,
adding more and more features and units. It is worth downloading so
check it out and use the links posted below
Visit these links for further information:
SWTA The Force
And the force be with you!
.. heheh...
I was about to forget about to say that. =)
PS. Probably, we'll even make our own fat mod in the future. We'll see what happens though... Enjoy! ;)
Last update on 06/18/2003 by The Silencer.