In addition to our quality individual units, TA-Power is proud to provide
game expansion unit packs that contain a variety of our high quality units for your
Total Annihilation
The Arm
Spider Pack
Two versions of the
Spider Pack
are available: One for the
Original Total Annihilation
(the game without any modifications, also known as
OTA) and the
version for the ÜberHack
What the
pack contains
The Spider Pack is built by the Level 1 construction
Kbot. These are the build pages
that you may see in the game after to install
the Arm Expansion Spider Pack:

Spider Pack Overview
I made these units based on a simple theme: Diversity in maneuverability. There're
no end-game or heavy units in this pack. However you get the
enough variety in the pack to play new
To invest in spider technology in the early game is pretty risky. However during the middle or
late game can be a worthwhile investment.
The Spider Lab is expensive and builds sophisticate Arm units.
They tend to cost less metal, more energy and have higher
build time than their standard Kbot
cousins. They also a bit more fragile. (Only if this equivalence exists, given that the SP builds
unique spiders, not simply a row of six-legged Kbot
variants with climbing abilities.) =)
As you already know, spiders can go through almost everywhere, but at the same time
you'll sacrifice level 2 structures (and that
means not only Adv. defenses but Adv. resource structures) given that
the All-terrain Construction Kbot builds Tech. Level 1 stuff
only. Thus, as hovers or OTA seaplanes, you may
classify the Arm
Expansion Spider Pack as Tech. level 1.5
There's not a consistent 'I've won because I've spiders and
you not' factor. Notice that no decisive units, as starbust or
long range artillery ones, have been included in the Spider Pack.
Fortunately, TA's engine physics is pretty well
coded, helping at the balance of their climbing abilities. Why
am I pointing at this?: Notice how spiders decrease their speed
at climbing terrain elevations; On that
precise moment, spiders are much more vulnerable to the enemy fire.
Spiders hate fortifications and lasers, so
fortification units as Dragon
Teeth if they could be around. If your opponent is DTing
his stuff then you may use the Amphibious Assault spider to
eradicate his fortified defenses.
Gunships are good against spiders too, but always taking care
of Migalas, because if Migalas are around then consider your gunships
shredded in pieces. Core gets its Dominator (level 2 Vertical Rocket Launcher
Kbot) and Arm gets the Migala (Anti-air flak Kbot)
now on.
Pack's units consume 4 new weapon IDs only in the OTA version,
and only 1 new ID in the ÜberHack version.
Detailed info on all the units included in the Arm Expansion Spider Pack:
All-terrain Construction Kbot
Equipped with nanolathe
plans similar to the level 1 construction Kbot, the power and toughness of a construction vehicle, and the maneuverability of the spider chassis, makes the AT Construction
Kbot almost indispensable. As bonus, it builds the unique and dangerous Spider Bunker.
- A-t
Range Paralyzer
you think that this unit can't do much on the
battlefield. If so then bad thing
because this unit can be 'deadly' given that
paralyzes its targets. Try out combos of these
(the assault spider), or
with any other armed units, and
better stick your ears if your opponent
starts to scream!
- A-t Stealth Radar Kbot
Take a Kbot, add radar, stealth, and a spider chassis, and you get this highly mobile information gatherer. Using its stealth and climbing ability, you can sneak this spider almost anywhere to keep track of enemy
movements. Remember: While stealth will keep you off of radar, enemy patrols will make short work of it if it is
spotted, specially by enemy air units.
Note: It's radar umbrella is not
that big as the standard' Radar Kbot one.
- A-t Lightning Assault Kbot

spider version of the
takes the excellent skirmishing lightning gun and combines it with high maneuverability. While slightly less armored than the
Zeus, its ability to attack from the unexpected makes this unit an excellent choice for surprise attacks.
- A-t Medium Range
Missile Launcher

Need more range than the Hobo offers? If so this is the
Kbot you need. Using a heavy Rocko type missile, this spider lets you provide cover fire from virtually anywhere.
The Recluse is slow though, so
enemy light units could hunt it with ease.
- A-t Anti-air
Flak Kbot

Establishing a forward base and need heavy air
protection? Or how about wanting to beef up your
air defense while you finish that Bertha? The
Migala lets you put the fear of Flak anywhere you
want. Much more mobile than its wheel bound cousin
the Phalanx, the Migala can be where you need it
in moments notice. Hills and Mountains are nothing
to this demon of AA emplacements.
Do not forget that it is useless against
fast VTOLs as Hawks or
Vamps. Obviously the unit
is expensive, and you'll probably notice the drain
of energy at building them on the Spider Lab.
( page 2
- top - )
- A-t

Do not
look for a crawler standard bomb in the Spider Lab
because there is not any. A slight variation of the Invader gives you the EMP Bomb™
Kbot. Using technology borrowed from the ARM Stunner, this
Kbot erupts into a blast of neutralizing EMP waves, severely crippling any CORE unit that gets close.
Tech. note: This unit could be improved with 2
different levels of paralysis damage (one for
Self-destruct and another
as ExplodeAs) but I do not want to waste another
weapon ID, being these that limited in this game.
- A-t
nuke-interceptor Kbot

The Scarab was one of
Cavedog's Original units, and it well deserves its place in the Spider Lab. Nukes are the largest of the mass destruction weapons, and a portable anti-nuke is priceless. For you though, it comes at a reduced price. ;)
- A-t Jammer

Peanut butter and jelly, Computers and Total
Annihilation, Radar jamming and a spider chassis.
Two things that were just meant to go together.
The advantage of having a radar jammer that can go
over nearly any mountain doesn't even need an
Although, its umbrella isn't as large
as the standard Jammer Kbot one.
- A-t Minelayer

Venom™. What walks on six legs (spiders
are six legged in TA =) and leaves dangerous presents for your enemy to find? That's right the ARM Venom! A pack of these beauties can leave behind a trail of destruction that can halt even the largest of enemy attacks. Use
them; Love them.
- A-t Resurrection Kbot

Who can take care of anything that has gone wrong?
That's right Mom, and that's how we've named the
Resurrection Spider. Capable of resurrecting any
scrap pile into its former pristine and lethal
self, the ARM Mother is the most nurturing Kbot
around. It also it is a powerful build-assistant.
Take care of them though, they are expensive,
costing almost three times the price of the CORE Necro
Note: (UH's version costs are almost the same
the Necro's).
- A-t Long Range Paralysis

Here is a most dangerous unit. Although not as
dangerous as the
Sniper, given that this one
paralyzes and the other vaporizes. If your
opponent doesn't fortify his defenses then he's in
trouble. This spider fires a long-range paralyzing
weapon. The unit that gets hit will be paralyzed
for around 10 seconds. Watch the energy drain
though, these guys are not cheap to use. Some
people have said the Wolf is too good, others have
said it to be useless.
Let's see what happens on the battlefield
then. ;)
( page 3
- top - )
- A-t Capture

The Tick, a
cloakable spider, with radar, a paralyzer, and the ability to capture. Seek out that isolated enemy unit and convert it to your side. Silent, sneaky, deadly. Don't forget that it does show up on radar.
Note: Set it up to hold fire before to go
hunt enemy units. I recall you that its weapon
reload time is around 45 game ticks!.
- A-t Transport

The Nexus™,
is able to hold 6 units and can go almost
everywhere. Thanks to its amphibious nature,
even water is not a barrier
to this unit carrier. Size restrictions prevent it
from carrying bigger units such as the Core Sumo.
However that does not stop you from 'borrowing'
some for your opponent's paralyzed Core
Think about it... it could be fun =)
Note: Only units with a footprint of 3x3 or
smaller can be transported by this unit.
- A-t Amphibious Assault Kbot

this deadly and multi-talented Spider
carries a
ballistic cannon. Its fast movement, good
firepower and
ability make it a priceless
unit on shore assaults.
- A-t Anti-air Missile Kbot

The newest addition
to the Spider Pack, sporting an AA missile launcher
and little brother to the
Migala, is the Ra.
Adding highly mobile bomber protection to any
attack force or newly established base, the Ra is
a must have.
- A-t Scout

Fear the Fleas! This apparently weak and fragile
unit can cause serious head aches to
your opponents, especially during the early game.
Use these guys made by Cavedog
to hunt enemy construction units, to check
vulnerable points of your enemy bases or ... hey,
you know.. heheh. Love the Flea!.
- Multi-energy
Spider Bunker

Armed with two paralyzer turrets and a heavy laser, the
Spider Bunker™
will teach your opponent respect. Along with its
tremendous firepower, the Spider Bunker has the
ability to close down decreasing damage taken,
allowing it to survive until reinforcements arrive
or just slow down the enemy advance. Built by the
All-terrain Construction Kbot, it can be placed on
unreachable places.
A powerful defense from the spider family.
below the Spider Pack installation info

Spider Egg
How to
Install this mod
depending on the version you downloaded, you choose the
installation instruction set.
for the
TA mod
1.- Place the Spider Pack UFO file into
your root game folder
Copy MOVEINFO.TDF and SOUND.TDF into the GAMEDATA folder
if this folder
does not exists then just create it into your root game folder
now only in the case you use the switcher based
UberHack version,
iIf not, then just skip this following installation step.
3.- Copy the SPUH2K3.XML file into your Uberhack Switcher folder
That's all, run TA and enjoy!!
for the Original TA game (OTA)
1.- Place the Spider Pack
UFO file into
your root TA game folder
Copy MOVEINFO.TDF and SOUND.TDF into the GAMEDATA folder
Note: if this folder
does not exists then just create it into your root game folder
the extra Cavedog units:
The required Arm Scarab and the Arm Flea extra
Cavedog units are included in the zip
file as separate files. Place them into your root game folder.
If you do not have all the
official extra Cavedog
units then visit the Files section of Planet
Remember that you need the official expansion, the
Core Continency and the official retail
patch v3.1c installed on your computer to play many of our units.
I hope that you'll
have, at least,
the same fun that I had making these!
Last update, 05/04/2006 by The Silencer