Little site maintenance
Posted by
The Silencer, 07-16-2012
Fixed some few broken links here and there.
Stay tuned because there're hopefully going to be more news soon. ;)
Weekend Deal - 66% OFF on Supreme Commander 2!!
Posted by
The Silencer, 11-05-2010
Offer expires on monday Nov. 8th at 10AM PST. So.. what are you
waiting for?.
Click here to know
more!!. ;)
Drooling, drooling, drooling on the River...
Posted by
The Silencer, 10-10-2010
Or was "Rolling on the river"?... Anyway, I do not care much on that
because I'm still drooling with the new DLC (and patches) that
GPG has recently released on Steam for
the Supreme Commander 2 game.
If you like... better said yet, if you love quality RTS games as is the
spiritual successor of our beloved TA
game, Supreme Commander 2, then do not
miss it!!.
Once said that, you probably knew already on the brand new content for
the SupCom2 game, but in case that you
didn't, or that you have just heard some few distant whistles on it then,
allow me to pass you tell ya a little more on this:
- 8 brand new maps plus to unlocked pre-order maps =
10 new maps!.
- 14 new units and structures, most of them Experimentals!.
- New research boosts and upgrades for all of the factions.
- Plus new features, fixes and better balancing.
Dudes and dudettes. In my opinion that's a lot of love for this game.
Don't you?. =)
I pass you some few links as well:
Full DLC details at gamereplays with pictures!.
Full DLC details
Steam Game page
SupCom 2 videos, articles, dev posts and more!.
Do not miss this and see you all in the battlefield!!. ;)
P.S. I took some few screen shots for your all pleasure. Click on any of
the mini pictures posted below. Enjoy!.
( Coming soon! ).
Love to art - Part II.
Posted by
The Silencer, 06-25-2010
Two wallpapers for you all!. This is an old concept I made in 2003 and
subsequently you may find some few errors.. but I think the idea is
not that bad. I do post a couple of sizes of it on here.
Click to download one or both of the versions: 1024x768 -
2048x1536 .
Enjoy! ;)
Love to art.
Posted by
The Silencer, 06-19-2010
You like what I've done with the place?.
Incoming cool stuff for the
Supreme Commander 2 game!!.. ;)
More links of interest plus an interesting rumour.
Posted by
The Silencer, 05-15-2010
First of all, here you have a couple of sites which you should visit
in order to improve your skills in SupCom2.
As you probably know already, the research tree allows you to unlock new
units during the game, new abilities for units, estructures and ACU as
well as to upgrade them with other goodies; amongst other thingies.
All thanks the research points auto-generate by your ACU and by the
Research Stations you may build during the game. The following site
allows you to explore the entire Research Tree for the 3 different
factions of the game. You even can calculate and check how much RPs (
Research Points ) gives you a number of RSs ( Research Stations ) in a
given moment.
It is worth the visit, believe me.
The SupCom2 Units Database. Check the numbers of almost unit, structrure
and/or upgrade in the game. Check who is the good, the bad and the
ugly.. well the later should be the CybranZilla, huh? ;P. And by the
way... this big XP ( experimental ) turns out to be amphibious. did
you know that ? =).
Another essential site to be bookmarked, indeed.
Ah yes, on the rumour!:
I've heard around that the guys at
GPG are
working on a big DLC pack!!.
We've got an Spanish idiom here at my end. It says as follows.. "
Cuando el rνo suena, aguas lleva ". I think the English idiom would be something like.. " Where there's smoke, there's
fire ".
Stay tuned
And now that I'm at it.. a question: Why the hell there's not a friggin'
version of the UFC game for the PC?!
Let's rock!!
Posted by
The Silencer, 03-03-2010
Ready to play the best RTS game ever made so far?.
By the way, I'll post on this very page a couple of extra comments on the
following game concepts:
The new Economy System. ( No more economy stalls you say?. Yes, it is!. )
Research Stations, Points and Trees. ( Oh yeah, boy. )
Stay tuned. ;)
P.S. Have you
seen the new video blogs made by
Chris Taylor?. It's a must, guys!. And
you'll see what's going on behind the scenes there at
GPG. Cool
stuff, believe me. Oh yes.. and how not..
here is the link!.
Lol =)
Happy New Year!!
Posted by
The Silencer, 12-31-2009
TA-Power wishes you a great and Happy New
Year 2010!.
This new year looks quite promising.
I'll tell you later about what's going on in here.
Stay tuned. ;)
Demigod demo available!
Posted by
The Silencer, 08-03-2009
The Demigod
demo is available for your all pleasure!.
The demo features online Internet multiplayer games, the Cataract map
and four playable Demigods (Regulus, Rook, Sedna and Lord Erebus.) All
of the gameplay modes (Conquest, Dominate, Fortress and Slaughter) in
Demigod are available to play in the
Click on any of the following links to download:
Demigod official site
By the way, have a look at this impressing animation video. You'll not
feel deceived, believe me! =) :
Hope you have had fun!. Stay tuned ;)
HD videos on SupCom2
Posted by
The Silencer, 06-14-2009
The following links allow you to view HD 540p
videos of the interview GameSpot made to
Chris Taylor on
Commander 2:
Supreme Commander 2 - Troop Carriers.
Supreme Commander 2 - Defending Platform from Drop Pod Mechs Gameplay
Chris Taylor Interview plus pre-pre-alpha demo footage. - My
favourite... those first 5 secs. are hilarious =)
Enjoy twice!.
E3 2009
Posted by
The Silencer, 06-09-2009
Good, good.. =) plenty of new info on the
Supreme Commander 2!. I've been amazed with the new direction
the new SupCom game is going by the hand of the
GPG guys. Here you got
an official screen shot...
Also you can view a set of quite
interesting interview chunks with Chris Taylor, who reveals some of the
new cool stuff they have implemented into the new game as he shows us a
teaser PC demo of it. Remember that the current stage of the game is at pre-pre-alpha,
and as CT told us too, it is just 9 months in development.
But.. dudes and dudettes... that demo looks awesome already. You can
have an idea on how impresive the retail game is going to be. I'd say Wow!..
but what the hell.. I'll say Woah! on here. =)
Ok. Links to the videos I mentioned above. Notice how the game runs
already on a 2 years old PC:
gamespot video interview with Chris Taylor plus demo footage.
WalkThrough part 2 at gametrailers.
VE3D Video for Supreme Commander 2 (PC) - E3 2009 Six-Minute Gameplay
And how not.. a couple of pictures of this E3 2K9. One for the kids
whilst the other one is for we; the kiddos. ;)
More to come so stay tuned.
PS: By the way, the new
Aliens Vs. Predator 3 game being developed by the guys at
Rebellion has absolutely catched my attention
as well. Here you
got links to both of the walkthrough parts
I and
II. Yes, is an FPS but I could not resist to highlight this
promising title too... anyways.. cool stuff, huh?.
( Thermal vision.. )
Demigod released!!
Posted by
The Silencer, 04-17-2009
Comes to my mind certain conversation I had with a member of the Ol' TA Guard
in here...
We were discussing on whether an Action RTS/RPG hybrid game
would be as much fun as consistent or
not in the Real World.
Well.. today I can assure it: Yes it is!.
This game not only works smoothly and nicely well but I've enjoyed in
first person how brutally cool and fun it is!! =)
So I think this is a good week for we the
RTS and/or RPG gamers around the Globe, because the guys at
Gas Powered
(yep, the devs of
Supreme Commander and
Dungeon Siege) have released the
DemiGod game!! |
Here you got some ingame screenshots: ( click on any to enlarge )
And you may check these links below so you get current and ready for the action
of this new
show!! ;)
Stay tuned..
WTF?.. What the fake?.. or something...
Posted by
The Silencer, 02-08-2009
We have discovered lots of fake
TA-Power units hosted in the
File Universe'
So what...:
1.- Download our original units on here only, thats
is, on the
Units Section.
2.- The same applies to the Arm Expansion Spider Pack I made.
Download it on the Elite
Pack Section only.
This way, what you get in here will be the most updated and original content
we have made for the great Total Annihilation
game. By the way, the TAP EP
buton, linked to the Elite
Pack Section, isn't a big buton so.. you know.. no
eastern eggs in this place... ATM. =)
Stay tuned! ;)
OMG... 2009!!
Posted by The
Silencer, 12-31-2008
On behalf of the TA-Power's crew I wish you all a happy and good 2009!! =)
As well as health, strength and.. fast hardware?; of course... ;)
Angel Supreme released
Posted by The
Silencer, 05-19-2008
This Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance
video made by Rake is finally done.
Consists of FA in-game footage from replays, skirmishes and the Single
Player campaign. Good music played, good action shown, and a good
teaser of what you can see at playing SupCom:FA.
It is 7:30 in length, and compressed with the
Xvid video codec.
Click on here to visit the release forum page. The author has
posted links to download the mini show at several sizes and
definitions. There are also a YouTube
link and a Torrent available on there.
For your all pleasure, guys. Have fun! =)
Some few quickies
Posted by The
Silencer, 05-01-2008
In case you didn't know on any of these:
The guys at GPG
have released several patches for the Supreme
Commander:Forged Alliance. These are currently available for
the download via GPGnet. Do not miss any
of these
upgrades because these do make the game even more cool.
I've received question on whether a SupCom:FA
Editor will be released or not. Guys, honestly, no idea. Would
be good idea to have the GPG guys
compiling one for Forged Alliance.
Anyways, check and post on the forums AndOr
ask in the GPGnet chat rooms for updates
on this issue. Ok, a gossip on this..: Some metal bird told me that if
you own FA and not the first
SupCom (a.k.a vanilla), then
you could download its demo,
to install it, and finally run the Editor from the demo's root folder.
If this does not work either then.. Hey.. I told you above.
The Beyond the Red
team has released the patch 2 for their
BattleStar Galactica free game demo.
Click on here to get current on what are they patiently cooking
AndOr to
download your new patch. Edit: Those who
have the Beyond the Red Line game already installed may upgrade to patch2 by deleting the
old updater, and then downloading and running the new updater. You have many O.S flavours available on
there, so pick up the one your platform requires. You also could
register in there AndOr
play some few games online AND... (now take a breath, please..) post
your Guys, you rock most of the time =) line for
the effort they put into those already awesome playable results.
And now, an all new micro section. Dudes and dudettes... the
What ifs from TA-Power:
1.- What if... anyone decides to make an
Alien Vs. Predator mod.. (or what about a whole game?)..
architected on the
newest CryTek (Crysis) engine?.
That would rock, huh? 8)
That'll be all for now,
behave out there and have fun! ;)
PS: A little experimental techno loop I made time ago (MS IE users only).
Want to see SupCom: FA in action?
Posted by The
Silencer, 12-25-2007
have a
look at this Youtube made by Rake. He
has also posted links to download this video on the
GPGnet forum.
EDIT: I suggest you to surf on the Supreme
Commander forums at GPGnet because there
is a cool variety of fan-made video creations on there.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas all!.
Q - Ready to play Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance?
A - Only to excess, Sir! =)
Posted by The
Silencer, 12-12-2007
Instead of the usual and (most of the times) pretty fair game
expansion one can buy out there, what you get here is practically a
whole new game. Is good to see the guys at
Gas Powered Games
pushing the RTS boundaries once again.
I tell you some of the new stuff
they have put into
Forged Alliance is stand alone. This means you do
not need
Supreme Commander to play
it. Also, FA is not Vista only.
And here is where the thing really launches.. The retail
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance allows you to play
countless multiplayer games in the
Ranked games, team and clan games, custom games, game replays..
Also, the
software client allows you to access a huge
database of new official and user made content for your game:
Units, patches, maps and many other kinds of game mods... |
Related link (with around 80 in-game
pictures as well as 3 official FA videos):
Hey, you should see all this by your self.. so see you in there!! ;)
Sort of BLOG... and do not miss this one!.
Posted by The
Silencer, 08-02-2007
I do not use to post about non RTS
related news here.. Although the following issue well deserves to be the exception of the
I tell you..
As you did'nt know, I'm a hardcore
Battle Star Galactica fan too. Once I
watched the whole Re-imagined BSG 2003 show,
an idea was persistently taking shape in my mind... "A Viper. I need
to pilot a Viper!...". Well, there was not any Viper Simulator made
around... non PC BSG Space SIMs... no nothing... I've to admit that
was feeling pretty "Homer" at getting back zero results from my first Google
search. Had not much more time to spent on that issue so I
provisionally gave up. BUT... 3 weeks ago I was randomly viewing
youtubes when...
over there!... I suddenly found some piece of modding art made by the
Beyond the Red Line guys. Yes!... a
f r e e Space SIM game which allows
the player to pilot Vipers MK II and MK VII!... |
From now on, the picture that
persistently comes to my mind is my very own big-satisfaction smile at
downloading and playing the game demo. Outstanding!!. =)
This BSG 2003 based total
conversion, or if you want, game; runs on a highly improved Free
Space 2 engine. The guys at
The FS2
Source Code Project have been kind enough at coding more and
more cool stuff within the original FS2 game engine; which was kindly made public
Volition Inc. ( Thing that we'll not
ever see in the TA community, IMHO.. ).
So you do not need to own an FS2 game
copy to
play Beyond the Red Line. The game is
downloadable as standalone installer to be run on Windows,
Mac and Lynux.
Hey.. a must
have... and enough said! ;)
BSG: Beyond
the Red Line
official site - Download it here
Game Warden hosted Beyond the Red Line forum
Youtube demo videos
( there several more to view.. )
And the Single player mission I've made. ( I go by the alias Deckard there )
OK. Back to
the RTS World... stay tuned, guys.. and more to come. Have fun!!.
Site maintenance
Around 1.000.000 visits!
Posted by The
Silencer, 07-05-2007
Removed the MS FastCounter given that they do not support their
free service anymore.
We have had around 1 million visits here!. =)
Stay tuned..
new versions...
Posted by The
Silencer, 03-11-2007 / 03-12-2007
Sure; here you got them (revised):
Have a good weekend!
And a new one...
Posted by The
Silencer, 03-10-2007
This time for 1024x768 users:
Have fun!
Supreme Commander wallpaper
Posted by The
Silencer, 03-09-2007
I've made a
SupCom wallpaper for you all:
Hope you like it.. stay tuned
Supreme Commander available now!
Posted by The
Silencer, 03-03-2007
Yeah!. It is done Mr. Donez. Fresh copies of
The Game are available everywhere.
Thus no more waiting.. OK?.
Have a look at this...
Hope you enjoyed these
2 exclusive
and official screenshots.
Stay tuned.. and.. up for a Supreme Commander game? ;)
All that has a beginning has an...
Incoming Supreme Commander!
Posted by The
Silencer, 02-13-2007
It has been really cool to be part of the Total Annihilation
community. Creating mods, playing online and making lots of
friends all over the World. But the time has come.
The Supreme Commander beta-testing process has been as fun as intense.
Have a look at my ACU (Armored Commander Unit) below. It'll take me a while to
get it well polished again.. =)). And to be brief here, I'd
just say you that.. guys.. this game is as fun as huge!!. Just
download and play the demo to get your self introduced in the
SupCom's World.
Chris Taylor and his team at
are already giving us the chance we were waiting for.. so let's jump
to the next level!. We D-Gun twice here at TA-Power;
and we feel proud at announcing you that the Supreme Commander is going to hit the streets
by this next 20th!.
The demo is available for the download at:
Gamespot, and Filefront.
Being Single Player based (..although wait to see the
World they have prepared for you!..), you can play in
Skirmish mode and also a
good chunk of the Cybran
It is currently possible to pre-order the game from the very
Official Supreme Commander site. Little reminder: This site runs Flash technology, so
you may enable
its dynamic content and, if required, to download the Flash plug-in without
any problem. There's a lot of content to check out on the game there.
Do not forget to check the official and community forums as well.
Well guys.. it has been a long road and I'd like to thank every member,
collaborator and every fan who has supported
TA-Power somehow during so many years.
Honestly.. I'll be impressed on this forever!!.
We occasionally may post on this page some more of new
content for TA. Nevertheless, we're already walking towards the
Gate as I type this!. So get your own fresh SupCom
ASAP, and join us in the
other side!!.
By the way.. have fun! ;)

Best Strategy Game of E3 2006?
Posted by The
Silencer, 06-25-2006
Supreme Commander
has been awarded the official Game Critics Award
for Best Strategy Game of E3 2K6!.
Stay tuned..
Official HI-RES presentation video available for the download!
Posted by The
Silencer, 05-25-2006
Little to say here and much to view: Run to,
check the Media Section and download.
Three different video resolutions are available. Also, you may watch
it online. And in case you prefer to view it tranquil at home then you
need Quicktime 7; which is available
PS: I've already seen it.. say.. eight times?... Have fun! =)
The Official SUPCOM presentation video
available online
Posted by The
Silencer, 05-23-2006
Here you got the first non-shakey one. Links to the upcoming
high quality versions will be posted here too.
Click here to watch the first presentation video in exclusive at
The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006 is over
SUPCOM footage!
Posted by The
Silencer, 05-21-2006
Well, given that
Annihilation will not post news anymore, we could
post upon a time some few quickies on on what is being cooked around..
you got links to download a couple of hand-cam videos recorded
by fans.
Kudos to
TimmyFred and El_Castro (the folks who recorded this
This link is to download the SupCom
presentation video for this E3. ( I'd say is
Chris Taylor in person who presents
this one, don't you?. The file weights around 64Mb. )
..and this one brings to your home
the game preview. (27.7 MB and also requires the XviD
codec). Official non-shakey versions will be available soon on
the SUPCOM' site.
On the other hand, ChinaHook brings you
an addition to the converted Zhon
Tile-set. This new material includes Shallow
Water sections which interface with all
Zhon coastal sections (Sandy, Savannah, Jungle, and Red Coast).
It is not a light file given that it weights 53.1 Mb of pure mapmaking
potential. It can be downloaded
Ok, you already know.. ChinaHook = TA-Power, Silencer = TA-Power, and TA = The
RTS Game. Although that last premise could completely change;
this would be once the
Supreme Commander
hits the streets, IMHO.
Stay tuned..
The Official Supreme Commander site is online!
Posted by The
Silencer, 04-17-2006
Get current on the latest
Commander information. The cool official site requires Flash 8. if
you do not have it installed yet then you'll be redirected to its
installation page. Notice that registered users will have access to
exclusive SupCom content. So.. what are
you waiting for?! ;)
PS. I have updated almost every section on the site. Stay tuned
Some of maintenance on the site
Spider Egg's role unveiled and...
Do not miss this one!
Posted by The
Silencer, 04-01-2006
Gremlins again... The
Archive Section's link was curiously broken. Also fixed a couple
missing mini-maps on the
Section. By the way, we are updating this section to include every
map made by our map-makers.
On the other hand, the release of the Spider Egg
will go this time for the
TA mod only.
Fear the Spider Egg, because this little
Pop-up paralyzer trap, which also is able to cloack its self, can become
in a
nightmare for your opponents. Given that in the Original
TA game, Krogoths
are not inmune to paralyzers, then better we proceed this way with
this unit; don't you?. However, OTA
players will have their new brand unit too, so stay tuned =)
Aaaaand.. do not miss this one. Probably you already know about this. If
not then
visit this link of the official
Gas Powered Games
Garage and have a
look at the huge amount of features the
GPG guys are nanolathing in
Commander. The first link jumps to a compilation of every
fact made officially public on SupCom.
Said all that.. have fun!
Updates: TA:K to TA Conversion Project is completed!
New maps ready for the download
Posted by The
Silencer, 03-11-2006
Hey.. pointers out of that Reclaim button please! ;P. It has been a long haul,
indeed. The daily half ton of work tends to keep us out of the scene...
you know.. real life. But here we go again:
This time, GreyBeard,
Wotan and ChinaHook bring
you new cool TA material (specially for
you mapmakers). The last chunk
of a project which required more than
one million clicks and huge amount of dedication as well. All for our
beloved and oooold good RTS game: Total Annihilation!.
It was time ago the last time we promised you this and now we
can say loud and clear: Aramon set is
We have finished and released all entire set for
Aramon world, the latest world of the huge
Tileset Conversion
Project that we started a lot of time ago. The
Aramon tileset is graphically very
attractive. There are good looking parts as the granite cliffs, the
variety of sinkholes, and the set of very stunning looking high
mountains. Mechanically it works well, with the existing part I of the
tile-set offering a stupendous variety of rivers and sinkholes (both
low and high) to play with. Another interesting piece is the way the
coast transitions work, allowing easy transitions between shallow and
cliff-like coastal sections.
We have released the set in two parts for a better download, which you
can download here:
And if you like to see before to believe, here are two maps for your
enjoyment. These maps were done up by GreyBeard
as demo maps for the just released Aramon TAK to
TA Tileset Conversion. Maps require both tamec2004 and tak2004
feature sets to work.

Soggy Bottom
Its author, GreyBeard, say about it: This demo map was built to show off
the best parts of the Aramon tileset, and
thus the name... Soggy
Bottom. This landscape is littered with streams and rivers, and a
variety of boggy sinkholes. There are a fair number of shallow river
crossings and also a few larger lakes to hide in if you're so
inclined. The map supports 8 start positions, with positions 1 thru 4
starting in rough corners, with the possibility of using odds and
evens as teams for the first 6 positions (odds across the top, evens
across the bottom). Positions 7 and 8 start on hilltops near the
center and are far more difficult to defend if you want a tougher AI
game. Read the doc file for more detailed info.
Aramon Forts
About Aramon Forts, GreyB
tell us: This demo map was built along the same lines as my
Creon Burning Woods map. The only real metal areas
are the various fort and town sections. The road sections ARE NOT
metal. Geo vents are likewise typically restricted to areas around the
towns and forts.
The map supports 10 start positions, with positions 1 thru 4 starting
in rough corners, with the possiblity of using odds and evens as teams
for the first 6 positions (odds across the top, evens across the
bottom). Positions 7 and 8 start on hilltops/forts at the edges of the
map (centered vertically). Positions 9 and 10 start on the center fort
area and are very close together... these last two spots are intended
to be used as the most difficult spots to start against the AI. Don't
use these spots for AI computer players (see doc file).
The AI for these maps is actually a custom hover/air AI written by
Chinahook. You can see the included text file and opening for some
notes at the top on how the AI works and what it is capable of. The AI
works surprisingly well on this kind of terrain, and seems to have no
difficulty finding it's way across the the many river crossings and
slopes. You will find more details about this AI into the AI file.
Here you got it, all Worlds completed and even a couple of teaser maps
for you all.
Obviously, and this must be always taken in consideration, the
essential credit goes to the Cavedog artists, whom created
from scratch all these awesome
tile-sets that we'll enjoy as TA maps. Nevertheless, many people have been contributing
at this project for more than 2 years long. And now hoping that everybody
is mentioned here, and if not, then, please, drop me a note to correct
me... well known TAers as C_A_P,
ChinaHook, Wotan,
GreyBeard, Mufdvr,
and my self. Enough talk.. better you run to the updated
Tile-sets Section and download as much you want!.
PS: On the background sound:
These stunning slap lines are an
excerpt of Silver Rain, by
Marcus Miller.