Arm Nike v3 for the Original TA!
Posted by
Silencer, 07-04-2002
The revised version of the Arm Nike
is already available for the download.
Thanks to Gamma
who has revised its script for me (notice how the unit behaves much
better in the game now on). Also this version goes with new Cavedog
style pictures. I think that this unit deserves its own lab so
I've already made a cool tech 3 lab design. As always, it's a matter
of time... ;)
The Core heavy war machine was punishing the Arm Army. Their fortified bases, defended by their newest heavy units were practically
unassailable. The Arm High Command summoned their best scientists in a secret base of the remote system of
Glenhya. Moderate time later, they had designed the heaviest
amphibious combat unit of the Arm War History.
The Nike was willing for the battle!! |
Extended Build Pictures Pack
Posted by
Silencer, 06-29-2002
Yep, already done! ;) . I've already
rendered the whole set, of almost 40 new BPs at Cavedoggish style, to be
included in the new version of the ÜberHack
modification. Unfortunately BSR
has double work to do now on; he has to move all his site files to
another server, given the recent unknown TAU
failure, and also to finish the pretty awaited v3.1.8 of the ÜberHack.
Wishing him the best luck, I'll post a teaser (Hope you'll love
these ones):
Stay tuned, we've got more
cool TA news to post.
Posted by
VanTheMan, 06-25-2002
Hello again, I have made another map for your pleasure,
following the line that I used to make the last one ( Little Wing ).
This map has great new things such as water and.. better you check it
your self in
the game ;). On this map, where Silencer helped me a
bit with the idea, you have four dark mesas surrounded by water and also
circular shaped hills on where you'll fight your land battles. So this is a total war map, it features both
battle flavors, land and water. I hope you'll have a nice time playing
on this new TA map design, it is worth the download... Have fun!
Base v2
Posted by
Silencer, 06-14-2002
As promised, here it is the new map.
Click on the mini-map posted below to download this cool mixed 22 x 18 Atlantis
map. As always use
the forum to post your comments about this new release made by mufdvr.
To install it; unzip the map
file to your TOTALA directory. Also you
will need these 2 files TAMEChpi2000 and
TAMEChpi2000b. In the case of that you'd have
not any of them, both of these can be downloaded at TAMEC,
in the utilities section.
Another required file, muflogo.ccx,
is included with the download; all these files must be in your TA
directory otherwise the map will fail to load. Enjoy!
Don't move!.. we're still here! =)
Posted by
Silencer, 06-07-2002 /
PART I - Unit making activity:
It goes well but slowly at the same time. Real Life strikes again and
dead-line means precisely that.. dead-line. The final version of the Spider
Pack is almost ready.. but not yet. Also
I've been working on a new set of cavedoggish buildpics for the ÜberHack
mod. Here I post a couple of samples, all of the BPs will remain
secret until BSR
releases the 3.1.8 build...:
These are ÜH exclusive units  |
PART II - TA-Power' site tweaks:
Every ÜH
related link on this site as been updated, also the links on the Essentials
drop-down list posted above and a couple of
broken links here and there. Moreover, I've added 2 new links which
point to a couple of html pages that allow
you to check your self every tweak made to ÜH's
units. Very interesting stuff (it needs a little update though) and a
TA based layout made
BSR. So do not miss these
new links which are available on
the Mods
Section. My next tweak-mania goal will be the Maps
Mufdrv has been
working on a new map for you all. And this is what he has to say:
Greetings all, I hope you like this new piece of Atlantis;...
basically it consists of an island fortress in the center with lots of
resources to be fought over and surrounded by four larger islands with the maps edge rimmed by land, best explained by taking a look at the
Base v2's map
size is 22 x 18, and it'll
accept until 10 players in multiplayer. Once said all that... stay
tuned guys.
Orbital Intelligence reports
Beyond Larab Harbour's map reviewed by TAMEC
Posted by
Silencer, 05-27-2002
First of all, I have been abnormally busy during this week.
However VanTheMan
has sent to me intelligence reports in relation to new planets on
where extreme battles will happen ( I'll post orbital snapshots only,
other info about this matter is still classified )
click on each one to enlarge  |
TA2 officially announced!!
TA-Power newsbits
Posted by
Silencer, 05-18-2002 / 05-23-2002
Yep, it is official already, so expect an increase of TA2
related activity around and everywhere ;)
A couple of official announcements have been posted on Phantagram
and Infogrames.
It is something like never you expected to see half year ago, eh?. So the
show goes on!
Now about us: You may blame our hard work on the real life,
given that it often means no new releases. However, we're preparing new
stuff for you all. Say excellent maps, say new units, say... stay tuned
guys ;)
Also, I've decided to help BSR
in the making of a whole set of Cavedoggish BPs for the ÜberHack.
He has kindly advanced us that a new build of the mod will be released
soon. Unfortunately, their host, the well known A.com
is definitively gone, yes; this is a very sad new for the TA
community, a sad new which has been well covered at all the big TA
news sites around (visit your news sites to know more about this sad
event). As I was saying, you may download the Uberhack
TA Mod at TAEC,
while ÜH's
author heads to a new unconfirmed yet host.
That's all for now, so 'ojo al dato'
Let's rock!
Posted by
Silencer, 05-10-2002
From now, the Unit
Packs Section includes exhaustive info about the Spider
Pack. General annotation, unit descriptions,
pictures, and build menu pages about the whole set of units included
in the SP v5.a. Check this info out and show to your opponents what 'Go Spider!'
means! ;)
We release Little Wing's map!
Bug found... OTA Spider Pack v5a FIX
Posted by
VanTheMan &
Silencer, 05-04-2002
Do you remember the old Death
Valley desert, where some
of the most famous battles where fought? Some KrogTaar
activity has been reported on the zone, the commanders from the two
factions are moving to it. The time has come. Featuring Bryce 5.0
this map tries to show you how a desert map can be done with this
tool. Using some of the existing features and changing others, you will
be able to play another flavor of the existent Great
Divide type maps. So,
download it and have fun!

2000 Required
(available at TAMEC,
Utilities Section)
This map is a demo of the new Desert Tileset made by VanTheMan
The provided stuff, compressed into a Winzip
file, does contains a file with all the necessary steps to install
the AI, which was especially designed for this map and based on VanTheman's
profiles. Remember to check your downloads integrity always; you can
do this by running the Test action of your Winzip copy
(See into the menu Actions).
Important report:
On the other hand, most of you maybe have
not noticed this but a
bug in the OTA version of the Spider Pack has been found.
weapon name is wrong, so it does not fire in the game. Do not ask, no
idea about how this could be changed... Anyways here is the link
to download the fixed version.
users are not affected by this bug. That's all for now. Enjoy!
Goes well...
He is back!... who you say?
TA-Power's mod announcement!!
Posted by
Silencer, 04-30-2002
More than
4000 hits in only 3 days!!, even with the server problems we
have had during the past weekend. If you are having trouble with the
installation, or in general terms at using the Spider
Pack, we'll give you support on our
forum. In the same way if you have any suggestion, comment
or complain then I recommend you to use the same way to contact us.
I'm glad to tell you all that VanTheMan
is back to the front-line, and he has not come alone. If you're new at
this community then visit the Maps Section to see his work in the
mapmaking TA branch. It is a good thing to see old community members
still active today. If you visit the Staff
section you'll see as most of our members are not active, (for
example, THUG being the Modeling Dep.
Head and who
designed a bunch of awesome models here at TA-Power,
retired long time ago) and that means that all the cool stuff posted
on here these last months has been made by some few active members. I want to thank them
all for
the enormous shared effort! ;)
Okay, new map incoming.. so here it goes a teaser screenshot:
Yup, new tileset. And finally, to announce you all that the decision has been
I'm working already on our own TA-Power
Mod. Yes, the time is coming.
During a long time, we've been supporting, trying to help at its development, observing and enjoying
of ÜberHack.
It has been good, believe me. We'll use it as valuable start point given that
we agree on lots of good ideas ( including lots of Switeck's
Bugfix ones ) and pretty neat and needed
tweaks included in the mod by BSR and TAEC's
members. But I realize that the compulsion has reached its limit here
and that our own touch in the game would be something cool to be seen
by the community. For example, I can advance you all that the final
version of the Spider Pack will be
included in our mod, as well as lots of changes, which comes from
different points of views about the game, will be included too,
already released and even new TA-Power
units, new AI profiles (newbie-friendly), and a long secret Etc. So it
is being time to develop another big project for the the best RTS ever.
Stay tuned, releases incoming ;)
Spider Pack v.5a released!
Both OTA and UH versions available
Posted by
Silencer, 04-25-2002
I don't want to close the Spider
Pack project at all yet. I plan to include some few new spiders
in the future; say for example 3. By then I'll consider the SP
at final version stage. For the moment, I have not added the
previously announced new spider, given that it needs some more of work
and my schedule has been blown up by the Real Life. Well, the next
version will include those 3 new spiders, which is also pretty
interesting, is that so? ;)
I post the ÜberHack
version first. I'm packing the OTA (Original
TA) version, so
stay tuned to download because the link will be activated soon...
As you can see above, a whole set
of new build pictures can be added on your TA interface. I've put an
special effort at this. So, more tweaks present at this release are
listed below:
- Spider
Bunker: LLT replaced by another paralyzer cannon.
Now on, both of the paralysis cannons aim/turn slower, given
that VTOLs were easy preys for them.
- Hobo'
script: Slightly tweaked.
- Migala's
weapon behavior revised: Given
an engine bug, anti-air flak units behave not always as
you could expect. From now on, it should fire slightly better
(OTA Version
only; other tweaks could be included in the OTA version
Okay, this is the plan then: UH
version released already, and OTA version incoming; today, of
course... as I said OTA's version is already available for the
To OTA players only: I Recall you
all that you MUST place the provided sound.tdf
file into your /TOTALA/GAMEDATA folder. Have a look at the ReadmeFisrt
text file included in the zip for further info. Only
then you'll be able to hear 11 new spider sounds, as well as to see
a whole set of new F1 BPs in the game.
That's all.. do not forget about to post your comments on the forum.
We announce the Spider Pack v5
Posted by
Silencer, 04-19-2002
Yes, the final version of the Spider
Pack is almost ready for the download. After the recent map
festival here at TA-Power, I do consider
that it is being time for some of unit making activity. I've been
working on a lot of tweaks, a whole set of Cavedog'
style buildpics, and also a new unique spider unit is included
in the pack.
This is the final Spider Lab
BP. If all goes
well, the new version will be released during the next week.
Stay tuned