TA-Power's Forum
Posted by
Silencer , 05-24-2002
First of all, seems
to be that C_A_P
strikes again with the
creation of 2, yes I said two new tilesets (have a look
at Planet
Annihilation to see a pair of awesome screen shots). And as you
probably know, he always makes a cool map in order to show you all the
new tileset potential, so stay tuned for new releases by the TA
Map Master ;)
More cool news, BSR
has released the UH 3.1b and
I want to recommend you to download it a.s.a.p. due that it includes
several improvements. However this is not a final version so the only
different thing is that it does not include an installer or other
minor thingies as improved unit description translations. Visit
this TAU forum thread for further information about its installation.
The download file size has been reduced, being around
7MB only now.
click here to download the new UH build from BSR's
Another good new for us is that Estrella
(visit Estrella's site),
who have got both TA:K to TA TA-Power
tilesets has offered his fast internet connection to upload both
tilesets to TAMEC
again. So stay tuned for both Veruna
and Creon
download links. =)
That's all for now, have fun guys
recommends you 4 good maps
Posted by
Silencer , 05-18-2002
I want to recommend
you these non-TA-Power
maps. All these are extremely well done and, if you've never played
them yet, they will surprise you giving to you very good game
experiences in multi-player as well as in skirmish against the AI.
While I'm repairing our main Maps Section
I can advance you that I'm creating a new Suggestions
Section, so consider this post as an
introduction to that new site idea. Here I post 4 mini-maps with
downloadable links for your all pleasure, all maps are little ones so
you'll download all them quickly. To install them just unzip each file
into your TOTALA folder and have fun guys:
Want to see
more cool build pictures?
Posted by
Silencer , 05-13-2002
These are some few
BPs rendered by Sinclaire.
As you see all these are Cavedog
units. The trick is that you can see them in the game if you place
them into a folder named as unitpics
into your TOTALA installation folder. I post on here a downloadable
zip file which contains all these pictures, so if you want to see them
in the game then just create the folder an unzip them in. -- ie:-->
the BPs
all for now, stay tuned.
Alive and
kicking, TA-Power strikes again ;)
TA projects,
Projects and more projects...
Posted by
Silencer , 05-05-2002
First of all I'd
like to thank GameSpy's
guys and DarkYouth
from PA
for their support to TA-Power.
So bookmark our new url.
Well, it has been a terrible month for us. First TAMEC
went down and then TA-Power.
The bad news are that all our Maps
Section is screwed up.. doh!... so no
maps available for the download. We are uploading all the stuff again
and working to fix all the lost links.
Fortunately we're back to
a relative normality heheh.
I've rebuilt all our pages as well as all the
lost data. Some improvements here and there have been made too. The
old Elite Pack section
is the new TA-Power
Unit Packs Section
now. Most of the download
links should be operative now, however
the Creon
tileset is not available for the download yet as well, as I said
above, as the whole maps or tileset stuff. As soon as possible we'll
the Creon
tileset for all mapmakers enjoyment. Talking about maps
I plan to remake the maps section to facilitate its navigation
and I'll
create, of course, a new Tileset Section
with our latest creations for this so friggin' site ;).
Well, as I was telling you... lots of TA
news around, many of them are not rumors but serious and cool ones
like the latest
version (an impressive 3rd party multiplayer online service for TA!), the
newest TA Demo
Recorder (a product made in YanksSpankersLand
which does not work with my spanish TA exe version once it patches
it...aheeem), or the betaish
UH version 3.1 'missile of the true and the good balancing Totem
for TA' ... and many
other news but this post
should be brief =)
Over here, we're currently working on several TA projects
now. I think that you'll like the final results.
So have fun, behave, and of course..
stay tuned