
News: ( This site is best viewed
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Here they are... The Artillery Hover
Posted by Silencer, 08-19-2000
Today, we release the UH version... However, I'll try to balance the OTA-UH
percentage of TA-Power releases soon. Also, I'm planning to reactivate our F.U.R.P (Final
Units Revision Plan) again. Visit our news archive for further infor... So...
the Artillery Hover Tanks
Click on the link above to download both hover tanks into an .UFO zipped file. Have
fun ;)
How the hell you think in playing TA without using a mouse and a keyboard?. Hmmm..
dunno... =P ?
Hey.. 77.777 visits. I like this
Posted by Silencer, 08-14-2000 -
TA-Power quickies:
- The TA to TA:K Tileset Conversion
Team begins to work again to
bring to you all the worlds of TAK for TA. As you probably know, mapmaster C_A_P and TA-Power
mapmakers ( VanTheMan and El Bardi ) are working hard on this awaited and unique conversion
TOGETHER. Now, cross your fingers .. the release is a matter of time only. Now you got a
cool new to post or to message overthere... ;)
- I'll advance you that these Hover Tanks
posted below are Artillery Hovers for both sides. We're just playtesting 'em so I'll release
them on the next couple of days.
- Due that ICQ is suxxxing hard! these last
days overhere... if you want to meet us on IRC, there's a new #UH channel at irc.annihilated.com.
So type /join #UH ... and be welcome to a good meeting point to find UH games or
talk about almost everything. I'll be there on greassing my D-Gun and/or nanolathing
corish fridges (Tm).
Lazy mode on, that's all for now. Have fun and
laterz gang =)
Hey clones... Alarm on the shore!
Posted by Silencer, 08-10-2000 -
Yep, the Core Amphibious Heavy Armed
Transport is ready for the download
Click here to download the Core Intruder
Today I post the UH (UberHack)
version, in order to promote this excellent TA mod.
This unit is based on an awesome model made by NJ_THUG, and it has been
extensively balanced, playtested in skirmish/LAN/multiplayer, and also it includes an
innovative script made by Immerman ( thanks pal ;) which auto-decides where to download an
unit when the DL point is not free.
Some Unit Stats :
Buildable by the Adv Vehicle Plant, menu 3 button 5
Metal cost: 1264
Energy cost: 15010
BuildTime: 13077
Max. damage: 4915
Weapon: Gymp energy beam
If you haven't got UH yet then Visit the Annihilated UberHack forum to download the TA UberHack mod
and have fun ;)
PS: Hey BSR, at least you owe me 10
bucks now, don't ya ? .. =P
I'm back guys ... =)
What Happened to the RTS sector ?
Posted by Silencer, 08-09-2000 /
Compiling infor ...........
Hello litter =)
After the death of the Boneyards I want to say you all that I'll be playing TA (mainly UH tho.. I've
to communicate you that UberHack seems to be near to its final version...) hmm... yeah..
till the release of the vastly promising GPS
RTS game, recently announced by for the all
well-known Mr. Chris Taylor, who is the General Director of his OWN company Gas Powered Games.
That will help (I'm being too moderate here, I know...) the RTS gaming sector to
recover after the huge and devastating (and dramatic?) TA impact... so stay tranquil.. or
not ('cos meanwhile there're still some few interesting TA related projects around
Okay Mc Key .. We got 2 new cool maps released, all them highly rated (9) by TAMEC guys.
Btw, VanTheMan is officially a TAMEC map reviewer; thus ..
Congrats amigo merengón! ;)
Damm; What about units ? .. Yop. I think that it has sense to make some more units
for TA yet. I'm working simultaneously on 4 new TA-Power units.
So, as you see, we're still here on the job; building some more future for this
game which we all love... Said all that ...
The TA-Power mapmaker Bardi has been working on these 2 new maps, with great results
Click on the minimap to download Epicentro Activo
Map size: 10 x 10
HD map size (Unzipped): 2,9MB
HD map size (Zipped): 2,9MB
Ram required: 16MB minimun, 32mb recommended
Map type: Adamante and Evergreen tileset with transitions.
Tileset(s) author(s): C_A_P and Mecha-Goodzila
AI used: MoonAI 1,5b (Made by VanTheMan)
Players: 4
TA:CC required: no, but ... dammit, get it now! =P
If you want to read the TAMEC review click here
Author desc. : The battle in a badly terraformed moon with earthquakes, nice spires,
fissures, and a guardian battle, enjoy a good AI battle too.
As bonus Bardi has made a revision of
his Tontos del Plasma map. Do not miss it and DL it too. It is a cool Detention
Center tileset based map:
Click to download Tontos del Plasma
You got more infor about this map on our News Archive Section or If you want the most recent infor about it then read its TAMEC review
Also, I post here on a pair of new
BPs... yop, new hover tanks for both sides and some other summer gifts almost ready for
the download...
Have fun.. and stay tuned ;)
PS: Sir Alec, we'll never forget you.
New TA-Power map ready for download
Posted by Silencer, 07-09-2000 /
First of all the logo winner is EzyRider.
As you see his logo has been placed on the top. The option B logo has been made by Vissing. I'll post his logo on some other
TA-Power pages too, so everybody happy.. heheh. Now seriously.. Congrats to both artists !
Okay; after a long time without releasing maps here at Ta-Power, I'm glad to post here on a new Bardi map creation: La Debil y Peligrosa Union
Click to download our newest map
Here it is some more information
about this map:
- Map size: 10x15
- File size(zipped & unzipped):3.75MB
- Ram required: 32MB
- Tileset: CD Lush
- Wind speed: medium
- TACC or TABT required: Yes
Author's note :
This is a medium sized map that is like a North vs South coast to coast, also with a
little ground bridge where ground units can travel to the other coast. Lots of strategies
can be implemented; but i warn you: The AI will not give you a super battle ( or maybe it
Have fun and stay tuned ;)
Think in green
Posted by Silencer, 07-07-2000
Thx for voting for your logo
option. We got enough votes for now ;)

This is my pal Ulises after eating 2 KGs of pistachos. Well, a pity... really,
now he only drinks Heineken beer...
Sooo, tomorrow I'll post some more stuff .. so later in the night
TA-Power logo contest finalists
Posted by Silencer, 06-30-2000
Well, we've received some really cool
logos from you all. I want to thanks all the
artists who have sent their concepts to us.
After delivering, we've choosed 2 logos which I post here on... (btw, I
love both designs ;)
- Option (A)
Da winner logo has been placed on top (by EzyRider)
- Option (B)

This logo will be posted on some TA-Power pages too (logo made by Vissing)
Click here to vote for your option (use 'final
logo' as subject plz).
All Hail James Cameron!
Posted by Silencer, 06-28-2000
Seems to be that will be a Terminator
III movie (T2-3D apart, course). Now, all depends on the decisition of the for all knowed
cinema director James Cameron. The 'cyborg Arnold' has already said yes and he's fully
interested in working again for Cameron so .. cross your fingers litter.
Also another Indiana Jones movie has been already confirmed... wow!
Btw, these are non TA related news... Later =)
Final Arm Consul OTA and UH versions
Posted by Silencer, 06-27-2000
Both Arm Consul versions were too
powerful being amphibious in the game, allowing abusive underwater actions; so I've
revised the unit disabling that feature. Thanks to Gray for the tip.
Now, the Consul is officially another completed final revision, acording
to our FURP (Final Unit Revisions Plan).
So here they are both links to re-download da cool unit:
Click here to download the OTA version
Click here to download the UberHack version
That's all for now. Do not take much
the sun (UKers.. stick your ears while I'm saying this =P). Laterz
Time to release the Arm RFMRPC version
Posted by Silencer, 06-23-2000
Yep, it is the Rapid Fire Medium
Range Plasma Cannon for Arm. It costs approximately twice the Guardian costs. Costing more
metal (not much tho), it has some more armour than its level 1 homologous. Obviously it is
buildable by level 2 construction units only. I post the OTA version with an excellent
buildpic made by the graphical artist Faramir_gr.
Click here to download the
Arm Deterrer OTA version
The term of the TA-Power logo contest has concluded, so do not send more logos
please. The logos that you have sent will be subjected to internal voting. Thanks to all
whom have sent all those cool logo ideas ;).
I will reveal the winner of the contest soon.
Let's spread some acid ... The Core Cracker OTA version
Posted by Silencer, 06-18-2000
I've been mucho busy on real life but
here it is the OTA version. I've added several 3rd party unit damage modifier definitions
into its weapon file. I'll post a revision 2 for UberHack on the next couple
Click here to download the Core CRacker OTA version
Now, I want to thanks all people whom have sent these cool logos for TA-Power ;).
I'll expand the logo contest end date one week more. Just remembering you to send
GIF image formats only. I'll post some of these cool logos here on next time. Have fun
The UberHack Arm Consul version
Posted by Silencer, 06-11-2000
Here it is the UH version.This unit
is not an UH Freaker for Arm tho. It does not build heavy laser or medium range plasma
cannons but I think that it'll give you more interesting UH games.
Said that, click here
to download it and have fun.
Boys and girls.... The Arm
Posted by Silencer, 06-09-2000
The newest Arm level 2 vehicle is
able to build mine fields, as well as light level 1 defensive/offensive structures
to establish your first 'consulate' on the enemy's area.
here to download the OTA version
Its best quality: it is almost as fast as a F.A.R.K. This unit shares similar
The bonus: It is amphibious ;).. so you'll be able to establish your consulate on
beautiful and/or exotic islands using this new unit too...
Btw, we'll release an OTA and UH Core Cracker revision this weekend, as well as the UH version of
the Arm Consul
Have fun =)
PS: The contest: We're waiting for your TA-Power logo
ideas. so c'mon