
News: ( This site is best viewed with MS
IExplorer )
Juno Project; final version
Posted by Silencer,
This final version includes a new awesome
explosion gaf file and a new weapon build menu for the Juno pulse. Thanks to Weapon7 for
creating and sending me both cool files ;)
here to download both units in a single file.
These units are OTA and ÜH compatible. Visit our Units Section for further
Veruna fix
Posted by Silencer,
This fix includes 5 fixed Veruna tiles.
So mapmakers using this tileset should download this 789KB file by clicking
Now it is being time for more
cool TA-Power maps
New TA-Power member
Posted by Silencer,
First of all telling you that the mapmaker
ChinaHook has joined us. Welcome aboard commander ! ;)
The first community Veruna map made by VanTheMan, the recently released on here Haunts of Ancient Peace has
been already rated by TAMEC guys. So we
have got another 9 overall map for our Maps Section. Click here to read the detailed review wrote by TAMEC's
webmaster Stratos.
here to download Haunts of Ancient Pace
And now we release the newest map made by ChinaHook. 
Evad River Mouth, a new Evad river
expansion type map place with awesome graphics and well rated too. It is 2,6MB only so
check it out !
You can Click here to read its detailed review or click here to download Evad River Mouth
A quick note: TA-Power's crew have been flamed by
certain individuals these last days. Seems to be that those flamers would like to see this
site closed. I'll suggest them to check our counter (hundreds of daily visits here =) and
also to invite them to check what kind of TA stuff we're constantly releasing on here.
Thanks to all our fans for their support; Merry Christmas !
Spider Pack typo fixed
Latest revision v1c available
Posted by Silencer,
12-24-2000 (added the latest v1c link)
Fixed the typo which caused the Recluse spider
corpse to be not shown in the game. Fixed the missing spider constr. build page,
also the Flakker Spider can not guard. Useless AI FBI lines removed. Thanks to Boogie for the
tip. These thingies hapen =)
here to download TA-Power' Spider Project revision v1c and have fun guys!!!
Also I've fixed the Conflict
Crusher link on the Units Section.
Boys and girls... We release the Arm
Spider Project!
Posted by Silencer,
I've been working on this project during more
than 100 hours. I suppose that you will enjoy playing it as much as us over here. Both Veruna tileset/map and Spider Project are our Christmas gifts for you all. Now, have a look at
this picture:
Cool, eh? ;)
here to download TA-Power' Spider Project and have fun guys!!!
Some notes about the Spider project
for ÜberHack (non OTA compatible):
You'll notice that the Spider Lab is expensive. However this lab builds moderatelly
faster mixed level 1 and level 2 units. The construction spider builds level 1 stuff only,
but remember that it can traverse almost everything. Another Arm innovation is the stealth
radar All-terrain Kbot. Moreover the lab builds a very versatile minelayer spider. Both
lightning and flakker spiders will add new defensive and offensive strategies in your
games. Finally, the lab builds the Vader and the Scarab, as well as the paralyzer and
missile launcher spiders. All new TA-Power spiders have less armour, are built faster but they are
slighty more E expensive. Said that...
Merry Christmas!!
Send us your comments about our newest
units. Or post them on TA-Power's forum.
Almost 5.000
years of War ... (Incoming big release)
Posted by Silencer,
12-19-2000 / 12-21-2000
In the almost five thousand years of endless
armed conflict the war had spanned the entire galaxy.
Even their superior defense systems were not able to stop the incessant attacks of Core
anymore and the Arm was losing more and more planets in the richest sectors in this
overwhelming battle for control of the Galaxy. The only option seemed to be a tactical
retreat aimed to win precious time to regroup, although the price to pay would be the
valuable loss of vital resources...
Core was already beginning to dominate an alarming percentage of the richest sectors,
unless this situation was turned around soon Arm may be forced to consider the
unthinkable; fleeing the Galaxy for the depths of space.. a venture it may not survive...
Thus Arm forces were reorganized and retrenched as they planned an assault of
unparalleled daring. Not on any of the recently conquered sectors, but on the richest
sector controlled by Core. Due to scarce mineral resources, Arm scientists decided to bet
for the all-terrain Kbot technology basing their future attacks on speed and versatility
suitable on any land
type. With this tactic in mind, their newest lab construction-blueprint was sent to the
sectors most susceptible to being conquered and finally lost.
There would be no other opportunities; the only option was to counterattack now, obtaining
vital resources for their battered war machine, and then forcing the retreat of Core from
the selected target, the rich sector #Goram-292...
That or be annihilated... Long live Arm!!!
Time for big releases!
Posted by VanTheMan
& Silencer, 12-16-2000
Well after some months you can make your
own Veruna maps for Total Annihilation. As you may know, TA-Power and C_A_P were
working full time to release all the TA:K tilesets, for now you have the most beautiful
ones, The Veruna and the Taros one but expect the other ones to appear soon. I'm working
now full time on the Aramon tileset so expect its release soon and the same goes to
the Zhon tileset.
The links to get the amazing tileset are below: 
Veruna - Flat Sections 1
Veruna - Flat Sections 2
Veruna - Flat Sections 3
Veruna - Coast Sections 1
Veruna - Coast Sections 2
Veruna - High Sections 1
Veruna - High Sections 2
Veruna - Islands and Sea Berms
So these
8 links are going to bring to your home a total of 55.7MB. Now mapmakers, it is time to
show the community your talent ! ;)
If you have comments or questions about the Veruna tileset then
click here
Final Core Incinerator for Original
TA, check it out
Posted by Silencer,
Our flamethrower tank for OTA is ready for the download. So you don't need ÜberHack to play this level
2 Core tank this time. Unit tweaks?: unit stats, improved script, rescaled model and a
retextured corpse model. Moreover, I've already updated the Units Section
with the latest Incinerator information.
here to download the Core Incinerator and stay tuned ;)
Units Section updated
Posted by Silencer,
All new releases have been included in the Units Section. Also I've fixed some few table information bugs and, as I promised at the
end of our recent logo contest, I've added Vissing's TA-Power logo on the updated section.
You, pattern, will hate the Hermes
Posted by Silencer,
Its aiming capabilities have been improved
as well as its AA missile velocity. From now, not any aircraft is safe of its fire. You
can download both OTA and UH versions.
here for the OTA version Click
here for the UH version
I've been working on a new project for TA;
I'll post information about it in brief. And to all mapmakers, as you probably know we'll
release the Veruna tileset on the next couple of days; so stay tuned.
Now, it is time to update the Units
Section with our newest releases and
to shorten this almost 1 Km. long news page. Later.
Time for the first Veruna map for
Total Annihilation
Map available for the download!
Posted by VanTheMan
& Silencer, 12-02-2000 / 12-04-2000
VanTheMan says : After some months in the works, finally i have finished
the Veruna Tileset. The release of the tileset will be this next week ;). This map shows
to you the great posibilities of the Veruna Tileset, the map itself has stunning visuals
and a very strong gameplay. Give it a try!
here to enlarge the screen shoot 
... and /me says : Have fun ! ;) : Click
here to download the map
New revision... the UH Core Commando
Posted by Silencer,
As you probably already know, the Core Commando is a level 2 armed pattern Kbot. Also it is stealth. Well,
this unit revision includes full compatibility with the latest version of UH. Also the unit has been rebalanced in order to fit much better in this
excellent TA mod, ÜberHack (UH).
here to download the revised Überhack version
OTA version remains as it
is. Enough talking then, download it and do not forget about posting your comments on the new
Ta-Power forum ;)
Also, new TA-Power cool stuff will be released soon; that's all for
want more ways to contact us ?...
Posted by Silencer,
... then click here to visit our new
TA-Power UBB forum hosted by TAU.
As you see , I've added a new link on our side bar. So go there, and post your
comments, suggestions or whatever you want about TA-Power's stuff.
Intruder revision
Posted by Silencer,
This the ÜberHack revised version of
the TA-Power Core Intruder. WArloRD_285 has helped me making this cool BP in Bryce 4
here to download the Core Intruder 
Have fun guys and stay tuned, 'cos we have
impressive gifts for you all