News: ( This site is best
viewed with MS IExplorer )
The death of the community? We don't think so...
by Silencer, 01-16-2000m
Meanwhile we're waiting for the TAMEC guys
rating for our recent maps, I recomend you to
visit TAMEC news.
Great and awesome maps and tilesets news for you
all there on ;)
Also I recomend you to visit AI
Central to check out a nice done AI work
most knowed as Queller AI. Also
they got probably
the biggest, best, and most up to date list of
AI's anywhere
our next unit is almost done.
Due the sad news about TADD/Merciless
Creations... this Apollo13 song is dedicated to BlackThorn.
(Earth represents TA2 though... ;)
Cya soon guys
release another cool TA map
by Silencer, 01-14-2000
This is Peewing's first
map. I've to say that it is a very fun and
playable map. So expect hard battles on this new
battle field. Great and neat work colega =)
Download Charquitos by
clicking on the minimap
PS: Hey clones, next unit
will be Arm... ;)
Time for our newest TA map... We release Vulcano
by Silencer, 01-12-2000
This map is a finished project by Bardi and me. I've
enjoyed a lot working in team (as in other map
projects like The Philosopher's Stone or Congost working
w/ VanTheMan), and
one more time, Bardi has made
a great work w/ this map. Also, thanks to Maverick for his
help in the making of Vulcano ;)
Click on the minimap to
download Vulcano
A tremendous volcanic eruption
destroys an arcane fortification forming a great
volcano in the center of the map. The lava is
spilled and other residues of the eruption are
spread around the volcano.The volcanic activity
is even present on the snowy landscape. Have
great battles on Vulcano!
TA-Power quickies:
- We've got a new
member here at TA-Power, he's DS_SpunkMonkey. Welcome
aboard commander! ;)
- I've update the Units
Section, also the Mods
Section w/ UH and SWTA infor and
- Bardi is
making some cool TA missions.
- Also, we're working on new units
and maps, so stay tuned
Elite Pack v3.2b released !
by Silencer, 01-09-2000
First of all, I'd like to clarify something. We do not
modify anything in the units, less ocasionally
conflicting menu buildpics, unit ids or weapon
ids. So all units are as they was designed by
their authors or 'tech-papis', and they're who
deserve the whole merit of our Elite
I post some few build menu samples for your
cool eh?
That's Elite Pack (click
here to download it, 2MB), maybe the
most cool and best balanced collection of 3rd
party units for Total Annihilation...
So, what's new?... the pack contains a total of 66 great
3rd party units now!
- Deleted units:
CP armored MEs
PDG_TA-Power dozers
NSA anti-sub hovers
- Added units:
Cavedog Farky
TA-Power Kraken III, revised version
Core Prime M.A.K r21
TA-Power PAck0 rev 4
? NS wind generators (ie. use 'em on not TA:CC
water maps)
TA-Power Hermes
Core Prime Torpedo M extractor
Ta-Power KrogTaar
TA-Power revised Demolisher
+ other minor improvements , and all error free.
What are you waiting for?...
Check it out! ;)
This pack
is not UH compatable - Click here to send your
TA2 development has been officially confirmed!
by Silencer, 01-07-2000
This is a fragment officially
posted by Mr. Brandon Smith on Cavedog Entertainment' site:
6, 2000 Cavedog Entertainment today announced the decision to
refocus internal product development.
...Cavedog Entertainments direction includes a
greater focus on core products in the
international award-winning Total Annihilation™
franchise of real-time strategy games as well as
the companys popular Boneyards™
online gaming community.
...The change in development direction will allow
Cavedog Entertainment to successfully grow its
better-established brands and provide an
opportunity to create highly anticipated
products, such as Total
Annihilation 2, the third title in the Total
Annihilation franchise.
We're very excited here at
TA-Power, 'cos 'The Dream' will be a
reality soon and we consider this information as
the best game designing company new of the year
2000. Enough said? ;)
Are we crazy? YES! ... and Moon AI v1.5 released
by Silencer, 01-06-2000
As I said, more TA stuff for ya
all... =)
This new VanTheMan AI improves
preliminar Moon AI
versions. Now you'll see the AI building Geo
Thermal Plants, it includes a nuke patch!, so the AI
will nuke you ;) You can use this AI
with Default, Metal, Acid, and Urban maps. Also
it is fully Ta-Power units
compatable, course.
Click on
the picture to download the Moon AI
If you have downloaded these TA-Power maps:
MoondanceV2, Into The Moon, The Philosopher´s
Stone, Great Divide 3, Wild Mountains or
CrossTown Traffic; the zip file include
profiles to improve the AI of these maps.
Follow the Readme.txt
instructions to install the AI files and... Enjoy! ;)
questions, having trouble?, (click here)
Practically a new unit release... Arm Demolisher
by Silencer, 01-03-2000
Heh... I was typping 1999... =P.
We got a bunch of new TA stuff to
I post a revision of the Arm
Demolisher 'cos important changes have been
made at the unit. Btw, it is UH
compatable too

The air-units aiming bug is fixed now
I've bordered the menu buildpic
Its high energy lightning weapon damage has been
slightly increased
Demolisher's costs have been reasonably
Now it is faster.
Basically, its rol is to be a
heavy support tank. Place 'em behind your attack
forces (ie. Panthers ) and
enjoy; guys ... I love this unit ;)
here to send your comments
My Christmas present for you all ...
by Silencer, 12-31-1999
'Core scientists continued their incessant
technology research to assure the control of the
galaxy. Moved by the disturbing reports of
KreGahl, an elite commander whom lost several
Krogoth units in the system of KemNuh, Core
scientists designed an advanced unit of great
tonnage and awesome fire power. The new KrogTaar,
'Who protects the War' in the arcane Core
language, was designed to repel massive attacks
of low level units, as well as for offensive
heavy support. Arm had adopted a strategy based
on the combination of sudden specialized ambushes
and jammered massive low cost attacks. So KreGhal
was the first commander in using the KrogTaar as
Krogoth heavy support units...
This new Gantry nano design would suppose another
great problem for Arm, especially on the worlds
where the Core war machine was strongly
The KrogTaar is built
in the Gantry, is amphibious, inmune to Arm
paralyzers, and not much delicate on the battle
field. The UH version got extra torpedoes, the
OTA's not. Here you are the final toy's costs...
So I've released 2 KrogTaar
Download the KrogTaar UH version
Download the KrogTaar OTA (TA standard) version
One is for standard TA, and the
other is for UH
(UberHack). For those who don't know what is it, click
here to visit TAEC and/or
to visit BSR' site, crew and creator
of this excellent (but unfinished) TA mod. I
wanna warning about unit conflicts so I recommend
you to move all your 3rd party stuff to another
folder b4 to run UH. Also saying you that it
comes w/ an oTA/UH switcher, so you can easily
alternate between the standard TA or the mod.
Know what? .. less talk and better you click here
and there to see how big the world is ...
If you got comments, suggestions, complaints or
questions, send 'em to the UH ppl by clicking
here to visit their Annihilated UH forum
From here on, I want to thank to
some UH fans to have collaborated in the making
of the new monster. All their names appear inside
the doc. Also to NJ_THUG for his
superb artistic touch.
If you got comments about the KrogTaar send 'em
by clicking
-. Happy new year .-
The return of VanTheman
by Silencer, 12-26-1999m
Yep, he's back and ready to give
you all new cool battle fields ( and probably to
get another TAMEC Award ;)
click on
the minimap to download
For example, this non-simetrical map
with lots of small mountains, dangerous passes
and lots of metal. You will find some roughs
around the map, too. The playability in this map
is very good with small skirmishes and attacks
such as "shoot and run away". There are
a few thermal vent.
It has been rated by TAMEC guys: GR: 9 ME: 9 Ga: 9 - OV: 9
To see
the TAMEC detailed review click here
Now Core.. I'd like to know your opinion... and a
Kraken III revision
by Silencer, 12-25-1999m
I've decided to post the Beta of a
new Experimental K-Bot, the evil and
dark Core KrogTaar.
End of
playtesting , it'll be released soon =)
Don't worry about the beta stage thing 'cos it is
fully playable, got buildpics and looks very cool
in the game. Click here to download
the KrogTaar, have fun and tell us
what you think about it by clicking here typing Krogtaar as
subject please.
more things...
I've updated the Units Section w/ our recent new
units and fixed some broken links.
The Arm Oppressor is being revised and it'll be
posted here soon. it's going to use its own
weapon (it's using the Dominator's weapon now)
and I'll implement a new gaf explosion, being
used when it launches the heavy rocket.
Expect new map surprises too ;)
Here it is a revision of the Kraken
III. Click on the buildpic to DL it.
Now it fires torps underwater only and it is
inmune to paraliyzers. Enjoy it!
Christmas and happy New Year/Millennium =)
Time to kill some Core air stuff... ;)
by Silencer, 12-21-1999
We release the Arm
Hermes with a plus, the revision 4 of
the Arm Pack0. Both
units are provided with an improved anti-air
weapon to convert in hot wreckage that Core air
stuff... ;)
+ Download
the Arm level 1 Anti-Air units
Warning!: Do not
use these units combined with the TA-Power Elite
Pack, 'cos TA will found duplicate
weapon files...
I'll post here on a new revised version of the Elite
Pack very soon, with more 3rd
Party cool toys and the recently
released Fark
Meanwhile (it is a short download
though) here it is the story of the Arm
Hermes :
The air power of Core was awesome
one more time.
It was desolating the forces of Arm in most of
the galaxy planetary systems. The Arm scientists
defined a new anti-air strategy and the Hermes
was developed as a tactical need. A level 1
vehicle; versatile and devised to increase the
offensive and defensive abilities of the punished
Arm war machine...
...attacking on Jahj Kall system...
...Core bombers watched again while the newest
Hermes was flanking the troops. But today,
thousands of rusty voices claimed at the same
time... Vengeance!!...
Btw, they're effective against
bombers and eat air scouts destroying them w/ 1
hit ;) As level 1 units, they don't work well
against level 2 fighters and VTOLs. Your
here to send your comments
Cavedog Entertainments did it again! ...
by Silencer, 12-17-1999
As you probably know, a new TA
unit has ben released by the Cavedoggies. They
did it in the middle of a massive Arm exodus in
the Galactic Wars, and
we're all much happy for that! =)
The Arm Fark, a very
fast medic K-Bot
We encourage 'em to release more toys, 'cos we're
a bit hungries of new bones from Cavedog!
okay... Time to the big release
by Silencer, 12-10-1999
- Story of the Core Adv.
Amphibious Mech Kraken III :
Core was studying the need of to implement
amphibious heavy assault technology to its war
machine. After the development of the Gimp,
Freaker and Krogoth technologies, Core engineers
exceeded their nano design expectations. The
production of a new deadly K-Bot with various
amphibious war capabilities was an awesome
reality soon.
Actually, the newest advanced K-Bot, called as
Kraken III, is being fully tested on the vast
Waanar planetary system, which is rich on water
worlds. The prototype results on each battle are
fully satisfactory while the Arm terrorist war
machine is being totally annihilated ... planet
by planet ... inexorably ...
- Kraken III stats :
Unit name: cKraken
Unit ID..: 4661
BuildMenu: CORALAB, 4 - 4
Click to
download the Core Kraken III mech
- Ta-Power notes, strategies and
The Core Kraken III has fast movements, is
versatile, well armored, and provided w/ a lethal
It implements a medium/short range sonar to
detect enemy units. Subs can 'see' a Kraken first
and starting to fire it, but the Kraken can react
quickly and counter-attack. It can attack
underwater, floating and land enemy too... but it
hasn't got any air defensive/attack weaponary; so
seaplanes (most of you don't know what they
are... =P) will be a decisive estrategy to use
against it.
Btw, It can destroy very slow enemy air units, so
take care for your air cons... Also you can use
packs of HLT and plasma cannons to kill it. if
not try to d-gun it, it always works.. =P
The Kraken is extremely deadly when it is on the
- The TA-Power Lab talks: Some
related tech notes...
- The Kraken does not use any new weapon ID
- Cool animated model and dead model, low
polygons number...
- Damage scripts while its health is from 40% to
1% (2 types )
- 2 diferent aiming/firing scripts for each
- Complet SFX set applied, moving, aiming,
stoping, firing underwater
- Cavedog Core amphibious textures style
- Rendered high quality pictures. Diferent
menubuildpic and F1 picture.
- Own rules used to balance the toy
- Fully detailed: rich kraken_dead related
Killed() script... Etc
- The unit concept is completly new and original
- It has been fiendishly planed, MU HA HA HA!
Enough said? ... Enjoy!
here to send your comments