Cool TA stuff incoming
Hey.. you got a forum!
Posted by
Silencer 07-18-2003
We are about to release new cool and original TA
stuff. Meanwhile... why you do not surf
our forum so you share what strategies you use with the units of
the Arm Expansion Spider Pack?.
We want to hear from you, so do not hesitate at posting some of
feedback about the TA-Power creations we
deliver you, yes?. Said that, stay tuned ;)
Houston, we DO NOT have any problem...
Posted by
Silencer 06-16-2003
First of all, just telling you that the
Tile-sets Section
has been updated with the latest info
posted below. So you got the entire set of links to download the Green
Completion Tile-set made with great effort by ChinaHook.
Also, and this one shakes my area.. I've found a way to solve
the problem I was experiencing with Scriptor
(the unit animation compiler I use..), so I can get on unit scripts
again. Stay tuned..
Green Completion Series #2 available for the download!
Posted by
ChinaHook & Silencer a.k.a
typewriter overdrive =P
We are proud to announce to all mapmakers that #2 release of Green Completion Series
Tile-sets is now available for your enjoyment. All these tiles have been used in previously
released here at TA-Power and well rated maps
( Five Miles Out, De Re
Metallica, Invading Metal... ),
so you can check your self how the tiles look on real TA maps ;).
I'll be brief at this one; the available for the download sections included in this
latest work are:
Green Completion
13 Flat Metal 4 Green sections - Flat green-metal transitions with
85 height value.
36 Modular sections - Metal converted tiles from Metal World to Green World.
Green Completion
36 Modular 2 sections - Metal-Green transition modular tiles converted from Metal World to Green World.
Green Completion
28 GM_Transition219_ sections - Blended Metal-Green transition tiles to use with 219 height value (mesas).
18 Transition_219_ sections - Sharped Metal-Green transition tiles to use with 219 height value (mesas).
Green Completion
19 Flat Metal 4 Green sections - Sharped Metal-Green transition tiles to use with 85 height value (Core Bases).
64 Transition_85 sections - Blended Metal-Green transition tiles to use with 85 height value (Abandoned Core Bases).
Green Completion
14 Miscellaneous sections - Miscellaneous metal tiles with 85
height value.
13 Misc_2_85 sections - Same miscellaneous tiles but with metal-green transition.
Green Completion
44 Ravines sections - New ravine tiles to complete the
older ones. Includes wider modular slope ways.
1 Hills section - A 'lost and found' section made time ago.
1 The Biggest section - Another 'lost and found' section.
Green Completion
78 Rivers_2R sections - A lot of deep and shallow sections.
Note about this module: These tiles
ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with older tiles contained into
Green Completion 7 file. Don't use the sections in file 7 anymore.
Okay, these tiles are made to work with the default heights used in the
GreenWorld tileset by Cavedog ( 75 height value of water
level ). Use it combined with Cavedog's GreenWorld tiles and
Green Completion #1 release.
This Tile-set could work with TAE, but
this has not been tested. Bug reporting and feedback about it will be welcomed. If you want more info, see into
readme files. Also visit
our very own Tile-sets Section for previous, complementary and/or
related releases.
That's all by now. Enjoy with this candy stuff and stay
tuned... More goodies are coming!! ;-)
We suggest you a new way to design metal maps: Invading
Posted by
ChinaHook, 06-06-2003
This map includes a new
way to design/play metal maps in TA. This new concept comes from Silencer's untiring mind. He noticed that
most of the experienced players
never play on metal maps, given the huge amount of resources you can
get on these: Too easy... they use to say...
Ok, this time there is NO METAL on every
metal surface you see on the map. This version is for single
player against the AI only. The multiplayer version will allow you to
extract 0.1 metal on metal surfaces. If you want to extract decent
amounts of metal
then you must build the extractor over the metal
pits. As you can see, the map include some new metal tiles.
Also, there are metal-green transitions to use with these metal tiles.
I hope you like them. That's the concept we suggest.
TA-Power-Fixed_Anims2.hpi needed
and attached to the map. Overwrite older versions of this file. Run to
download it and enjoy!!.
Fixed!. You may download the fixed Expansion Spider Pack 2K3 for the Original
Posted by
Silencer, 05-17-2003
The right file name must be TA-Power-SpiderPack-OTA-fixed-zip.
Be sure to have installed the right version or the Ra
spider will not work properly in the game. My Scriptor
v1.0 RC1 copy does not compile the BOS scripts well
anymore, and with no apparent reason.. even reinstalling it from
scratch.. very annoying. If anyone got any idea about how to solve
this then feel free to send me Email.
Hey.. check
the 2K3 Spider Pack out and Enjoy!.
Houston , we have a problem...
Posted by
Silencer, 05-17-2003
My Scriptor
copy (the unit animation compiler I use) does not work well. I've to check
what's the cause yet, but the script of the new AA spider is corrupted, so do not
download the Spider Pack for the OTA
until I solve this. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Expansion Spider Pack 2K3 for the Original TA!
Posted by
Silencer, 05-16-2003
As promised, here is the OTA
2K3 version of the Spider Pack.
As you already know, this time
the SP goes with a
brand new unit, the Ra™, an Anti-air
missile Spider which I made by public demand.
Below is the tweaks list of the 2K3's Arm
Expansion Spider Pack:
- Ra:
New unit; All-terrain AA missile Kbot.
- Wolf: Better
texture job; now it looks cooler in the game
- EMP bomb
Spider, model slightly enlarged.
- Hobo's
costs rebalanced. Now this spider goes with
lightning weapon for a better performance in the game.
- Namor's turret turn rate has been reduced.
This spider moves a little faster.
a) Copy the
Spider Pack
file into your
root TA folder
(ie. c:\cavedog\TOTALA)
Copy MOVEINFO.TDF and SOUND.TDF into your GAMEDATA folder.
ie. c:\cavedog\totala\GAMEDATA).
If the folder GAMEDATA does not exists then just create
one and move the TDF files in.
c) If
you do not have the
Arm Flea
and the
Arm Scarab
(both of them extra
units) installed, then
move them from the Spider
zip file to your root
TA folder.
Note: The Spider Pack zip
file includes these 2 units. Also I do recommend you to
download the whole set of extra
Cavedog units here
That's all, enjoy!!
Remember that you need TA's expansion, TA
Core Continency as well as the official TA
patch 3.1c installed on your computer to play the Spider
Download the Spider Pack
2K3. You may visit this
page for further info about the Expansion Pack.
Also, all the info on the EP
section has been updated, as well as every link posted on the Mods
section. By the way, there's another gift for you all.. so be sure
to visit us again on Saturday to get your copy, huh? ;)
Said all that.. have fun and.. Go spider!!
In The Tropics reviewed by TAMEC
Posted by
Silencer, 05-12-2003
One of our most recent stunning maps, In
The Tropics made by Wotan, has
been reviewed by GreyBeard at TAMEC.
You may click
here to read the review.
In the tropics requires the previously released TAK_ANIMS_1.ufo,
file available at TAMEC. If you have already downloaded and played
the map Cayambe then you do not need to download any additional files...
Expansion Spider Pack 2K3 for the Original TA...
Posted by
Silencer, 05-11-2003
Just to confirm you that I'll release it
on the next Friday, as well as an interesting cool map made by ChinaHook;
so stay tuned ;)
Expansion Spider Pack 2K3 for the UberHack TA mod
Posted by
Silencer, 05-09-2003
This version includes a couple of
fixes, tweaks as well as a brand new unit. Also it goes with an UH switcher file to speed up your TA
settings before to play UH TA
This time, the new unit is Ra, an Anti-air
missile Spider which I made by public demand.
Below is the tweaks list of the 2K3's Arm
Expansion Spider Pack:
- Ra:
New unit; All-terrain AA missile Kbot.
- Wolf: Better
texture job; now it looks cooler in the game
- EMP bomb
Spider, model slightly enlarged.
- Little armor reduction on the
(988 from now on).
Build-time and metal costs
slightly increased. Now this spider goes with
lightning weapon for a better performance in the game.
- Namor's turret turn rate has been reduced.
This spider moves a little faster.
- New SPID1 movement class
required by the EMP Bomb Spider to be amphibious.
(We'll use an extended MOVEINFO.TDF file from now on; this
does not affect multiplayer)
- UH Switcher XML
file available this
time. Thus you may remove any other previous
UH Spider Pack files. Read below the quick installation
- No XM
compatibility yet. This would require a new UberHack
release given the cheating detection game code trouble. I'm
delivering with BSR
about this matter... but you know.. is dificult to threat
with Age Of Empires junkies.. lol ;P
a) Copy the Spider Pack UFO
file into your root TA folder ( ie. c:\cavedog\totala )
Copy MOVEINFO.TDF and SOUND.TDF into your GAMEDATA folder (c:\cavedog\totala\gamedata) )
c) Copy the SPUH2K3.XML file into your Uberhack Switcher folder
In the case you use the switcher based UberHack
version. If not, just skip this installation step.
That's all, enjoy!!
Remember that you need TA's expansion, TA
Core Continency as well as the official TA
patch 3.1c installed on your computer to play the Spider
Download the Spider Pack
2K3. You may visit this
page for further info about this expansion pack.
Have fun and.. Go spider! ;)
The Arm Anti-air Flak Kbot: The Ares!
Posted by
Silencer, 04-25-2003
Yep, fresh unit for you all. Rob
McHardy has helped me in the making of this unit. He'll probably
help me at general unit making here at TA-Power.
This time we deliver you the links to download both UberHack
and Original TA
I've decided to make any other kind of unit for Core,
given that an Adv. Flakker Kbot would be something redundant in the
game scheme IMO. Also this unit, the Arm Ares,
will be included in the upcoming new version of the Emergency
Units Pack for the UberHack. Wait
to see the final result ;)
Have fun and stay tuned, because we have lots of TA
goodies on our lab tables; yes.. more releases soon!.