Expansion Spider Pack for OTA... new version incoming!
Posted by
Silencer, 10-27-2002
I'm currently working on the
final version of the Arm Expansion Spider Pack
for the Original TA (OTA).
As many of you already know, I do play TA
ÜberHack only, but as I promised, I'm about to release (during
this week) a high quality version for you OTAers.
I'm enjoying a lot adding many new features, as well as play-testing
the new version my self. Obviously, the new version will include the
new couple of spiders I made as well as lots of adjustments to give
you the best of the best for your TA
Stay tuned guys ;)
New site section added
Posted by
Silencer, 10-21-2002
A new shinning Tilesets
Section has been added by public demand.
As the its label indicates, it includes all of our effort in
the making of Tile-sets for the TA
community. There are 3 of the total of 5 final products from the TA:K
to TA Tile-sets Conversion Project, as well as the Green
Expansion Tile-sets.
Zhon will be released soon, and
there're 3 more Tile-set projects almost at final stage, so
map-makers, get ready to rock! ;)
More things..
Posted by
Silencer, 10-03-2002
First of all, I've
to warn you about something important: Seems to be that there's
a retrograde around ( who is maliciously using my nick and/or E adress )
sending E-mail to many TA fans. If you receive an E-mail with topic
like ' By Silencer for TA-Power ' or
similar, then immediately delete it; given that it contains virus
inside. Sad to see how these things happen on the Internet, but life
is this way; there is productive people and also sterile
people around. I recall you that you may download from this site all of
the TA-Power's stuff made until today; is
the safe way to get our TA creations.
More things.. I've updated the Elite
Packs (EP) section. Now the section shows bigger Spider
Pack's unit pictures, as well as better info about the Arm
Expansion Pack. Also, the installation steps have been simplified and
better explained. Talking about this matter, I do plan to pack a new
build of the SP for the ÜberHack
TA mod v3.1.9. I'll do that as soon as BSR
upload the new ÜH 3.1.9b2 to his site.
And to those who has not seen what the ÜH
can do for your TA games, or simply what the ÜH
is then click
here NAW! ;) . It is worth to know more about it.
I've been also working (very little though due my lack of free
time; arf...) on the new Emergency Units Pack
version (click
here for further info). I do post a couple of new rendered BPs. Be
right back..
Five Miles Out final ready for the download
Posted by
ChinaHook, 09-23-2002
Ready for some more of action
The advance of enemy army becomes more patent as time goes
on. When the Evad River Mouth was taken,
the enemy army went up the river to the confluence of one of its affluent.
Now, while a division of this army continues to the affluent, another
one has come to the outskirts of the city in which your base is
placed. The enemy base is located on the other side of the river, five
miles out, and they are reclaiming the metal and resources of older
Core bases to improve their effectives. The assault to the city is imminent
and only a matter of time...
A couple of map screen shots can be seen here and
TA Core Contingency and
TA-Power_Fixed_anims2.hpi needed to play the map.
TA-Power_Fixed_anims2.hpi is
supplied with the map. This is another Green world map (one of my
favorites!) in which I have included new tiles (Green-Metal
transitions, new ravines, new rivers, Etc.) which will be supplied in
the #2 release of Green Completion series.
More info into the Readme.txt provided in
the zipped map file. Enjoy!!
Spider Pack project closed. Latest version for ÜH.
Posted by
Silencer, 08-23-2002
This is hopefully the final version of the Spider Pack for ÜH.
If it needs to be updated to be fully ÜH
compatible then I'll put my fingers on it again though. My Expansion
Pack for Arm has reached the planned quality, even more, thanks to the
good feedback from many smart TA players
around, it has exceeded my initial expectation.
is the link to download the latest version. This one include
several tweaks. Read the doc files for further info about these. Also.
I've named the file this time as TA-Power-SpiderPack-v5e-UH-Final-Plus.
Check your version to see if you're current or not. The OTA
version will be available soon. It is being time to work on an
Expansion Pack for Core, don't you agree on that?
Have fun!.. and behave.
Polishing the site...
Posted by
Silencer, 08-19-2002
Back again; I'm gradually updating TA-Power's sections. Also, I'll pack a new
version of the Spider Pack for ÜH.
It is the last time that I call final version to any of our products,
do that and get ready to see bugs and gremlins popping out heheh...
This version will include some few minor tweaks and probably even a
new unit. Once this version will be completely done then I'll prepare
the hopefully final OTA version. By the
way, seems to be that many TAers do not have many of the extra-maps
released by Cavedog. I recall you, if
you're one of these, that all of those official maps are available for
the download here.
Have a look to see if you are or you're not current. Said that, stay
New map and AI profile
Posted by
Silencer, 08-09-2002
Here you got a couple of TA
creations made by Joshcomm1:
After a hiatus from the
TA Community,
Joshcomm1 comes back out to give you more gifts from a labor of love of
Total Annihilation.
Mad Response_v1 has 4 levels of play: Easy, Medium,
Hard & Network 1, each with their own AI and Start Positions. Do have your initial settings for
computer / human metal and energy set for 1000 only on all levels,
both Skirmish Mode and Online.
Depending on what difficulty mode you set up for your
game, the map will run different AI profiles. Play Hard or Network
1 to try the NavalAirAI_v2b AI. |

Download Mad Response v1 |
Naval Air AI v2b |
Newly crafted for a balanced war game on mainly
metal / water based battle maps. This one was designed for the newest battle map
Mad Response_v1. You are going to enjoy this one. It fights hard. It can be used on any water based battle map with good resources, but the effects show up more distinctly on the metal ones. |
Naval Air AI_v2b was created specifically for this battle
map. Required files to play this map: TA:Core
Contingency, Creon Features Files
and the TA:K Features for TA.
You can get these files (TA:CC aside
course..) from the Utilities Section
at TAMEC. If you got any questions or comments about these releases
then use our
forum. Enjoy!
Arm Expansion Spider Pack v5.d. Final version for
Warning: Fix needed.
Posted by
Silencer, 08-01-2002
Warning: Fix needed.
A minor glitch was uncovered during testing last night, so if you
have downloaded version 5d before, you'll need to do it again. The
correct file name is TA-Power-SpiderPack-v5d-UH-FINAL-fixed.zip.
If you do not have it, you'll need to redownload it again. All links
to the fixed version have been updated already. I do apologize for the
The final version of the Spider
Pack (hopefully). This version adds 2 new units. Also, You can read
about the new tweaks in the SP below. Again, this version is for the ÜberHack
- Nexus:
New unit; All-terrain Transport Kbot.
- Namor:
New unit; All-terrain Amphibious Assault Kbot.
- Hobo:
Mode shrunk. Increased speed. Cost adjustments made
based on the ÜH 3.1.8
changes made on the Zeus.
- Mother:
Model enlarged. Increased speed. Increased
build distance. Cost have been reduced, to make it similar
to the Arm
Fixed minor script problem.
- Venom:
Added the anti-mine missile to its buildmenu.
- Recluse:
As modified by the ÜH
v3.1.8. Model shrunk. Increased
speed. Increased armor. Increased sight distance. Rocko
type modified weapon.
- Spider
Bunker: Can be built on
slopes and in other hard to reach places. (2 x 2 footprint, same as the
Heavy Laser Turret).
- Construction
Kbot & A-t Kbot: Updated build menu
buttons with the new BPs I made. Fixed little GAF bug in
the All-terrain Kbot version.
- Added a
new Sound Class for the Nexus,
All-terrain Transport Kbot.
Bomb: Weapon
changed to EMP mine. Model enlarged. Added a new movement
class for this unit.
- General footprint tweaks for all of the spiders;
this helps at their pathfinding in the game. Improved
Build Pictures, Etc.
- Fleas!.
These can be built in the Spider Lab now. Added by
public demand.
- Removed
redundant files: BPs and most sounds already included in the
v3.1.8 of the ÜberHack.
Look at the readmefirst.txt file for information on the
sound and movement classes.
to download
the Arm Expansion Spider Pack v.5d final.
I've updated the online information about the Spider
Pack. You may read it here.
Also, I have tossed out unit concepts based on mounting
structures on six-legged chasis. So no Energy Storage Spider; I
prefer to waste unit IDs on other unit innovations.
In the next week I'll post the first pack of Joshcomm1
goodies, and even the final version of the SP
for OTA... who knows. Have fun!.. and
behave ;)
Spider Pack ver. 5c for the ÜberHack!
Posted by
Silencer, 07-23-2002
This is an especial revision for the ÜH
only. OTA players will have to wait a
little. No new units added in the pack yet. Nevertheless I've added a
good amount of tweaks in it. I post below a detailed list of these:
New version available, read above...
There is a couple of open
forum threads here and here
to post whatever related with the Spider
Pack. You can read exhaustive info
about the Spider Pack here. The next version will include some few new
cool Spiders; meanwhile.. enjoy and share your experiences with the
expansion pack
on the forums!.
PS: A big block of news has been archived again. So you
already know, visit the Archive
Section if you missed something about TA-Power.
ÜberHack v3.1.8 is available for the download!
Posted by
Silencer, 07-19-2002
Yep, is up!.
Run to download
it here. There're links to download different installations of the
mod on BSR' site, as well as a link to
read more about the included tweaks. All the ÜH
unit build pictures that I made are in the game now on.
Have fun !
TA-Power news bits
Posted by
Silencer, 07-09-2002
All TA-Power's
team is working on new cool TA designs:
VanTheMan is working on new unique
maps and new amazing tilesets.
ChinaHook is also aiming to new
cool maps and even developing expansion tiles and stuff for the
official tilesets made by Cavedog.
Wotan is finishing the TA:K
to TA tilesets
conversion project. So get ready for the download of a good
MB's bunch to materialize those map ideas you have been dreaming. By
the way, Cayambe, the latest map made by Wotan
utilizing the converted Zhon tileset has
been already reviewed at TAMEC, being blessed with the highest score: 10
10 10 10!. This is the link to
read its review,
so if you had any doubt about if to download it or not then you know
what to do now... to download
it!! =)
Joshcomm1 is back!. So expect new
awesome map releases here at TA-Power.
Even I'll advance you all that he has designed new AI profiles for
your enjoyment.
Me, Silencer, is working on new
versions of the Spider Pack, Emergency
Units Pack, and even on new quality units for the original game
and for the ÜberHack.
BSR, is finishing the 3.1.8
version of the ÜberHack. Meanwhile, you can
download the 3.1.7 version here.
As you probably know, his site is up already and being hosted at Planet
Annihilation. And we, the TA-Power
staff want to welcome him to this great network's planet! =)
Note: I've updated again all of
the ÜH related links here
at TA-Power.
So guys, you know already.. behave and stay tuned ;)